Waist Exercises


Waist Exercise

The Importance of Exercise

Spine specialists agree on the importance of physical activity in patients with low back pain. This article has been prepared to provide information about how you can stay active while controlling your pain and what appropriate preventive actions are to prevent low back pain from recurring.

Your physician's goals when treating your back pain are;

· Communicating well
·    Explaining your situation and giving you healthy information about your condition
·    Reducing your fears
·    Improving your physical activity
·    Teaching appropriate exercises
·    Strengthening body mechanics
/> ·    To prevent you from applying passive treatments for a long time.
What Type of Exercises Should Be Done?

How will you be able to stay physically active without increasing your pain? Many people are surprised to learn that carefully selected exercises can reduce their pain. The exercises mentioned in this article can provide rapid and significant recovery. Once the pain decreases or disappears, other exercises will help regulate waist movements and increase muscle strength. These will ensure your full recovery and protect against recurring pain. Many doctors argue that pain that occurs during activity will not cause a problem as long as it does not continue after the activity, so you should try to be active.

Pain Severity Should Be Considered When Choosing Exercise

It is important to avoid exercises that will increase your pain. . Pains radiating as follows should make you think that you may damage your waist; .
The good thing is that the opposite is also true.
Pain that extends to your foot or hip may center in your lower back (centralization of pain). This is mostly when you are making progress and starting to heal. It means your. You can find the exercises and positions that will create this situation yourself. Once all the pain is centered, your pain will often decrease and disappear with continued exercises.
Pains are most often centralized and disappear with the following four exercises:
·    Walking on flat ground  
·    Backward stretching  
·    Face down above elbow  
·    Push-Ups  
Monitor your pain while doing these exercises and other activities. Make sure that it gathers in the center, decreases, or at least remains the same without getting worse. In addition to proper exercise, it is also important to have a good posture while standing or sitting. Be careful not to sit for longer than necessary and to sit upright, without slumping. If your complaints increase while sitting or even extend towards your hips or legs, check your position. For many patients, sitting upright helps centralize and reduce pain. Thinking of sitting upright as a muscle-strengthening exercise will help you gain a better sitting habit. Once your pain disappears, sitting upright often prevents your complaints from starting again. If you have to sit for a long time, it is recommended to put a pillow in your waist space that will increase its natural inward curve and keep your hip a little higher than the knee level.

Exercises to Do After the Pain Reduces
Once your pain subsides or After it disappears, gradually and carefully increase your range of motion, starting with some simple forward stretching movements. Continue these exercises as long as your pain does not return, increase, or radiate from the center to the legs or hips.
For many people, continuing to sit upright is very beneficial.
Strengthening Exercises
Most people suffering from lower back pain have a weak back. It has muscles. Strengthening exercises protect you from problems that may arise in the future. All body movements and posture (including sitting upright) require adequate muscle strength and flexibility, which can be achieved through strengthening and stretching exercises. moderately y A strengthening exercise is very valuable for your general body health and is of particular importance for those suffering from back pain.

Strengthening the waist muscles benefits you in two ways: 1. It accelerates the repair of damaged tissue by accelerating blood flow.
2. It improves your daily life functions by increasing strength and endurance.
For the repair and healing of damaged tissues, nutrients must be brought to the damaged area with a good blood flow. With strengthening exercises for the waist muscles, blood flow increases in the exercising muscle and adjacent tissues. This also applies to aerobic exercises such as walking, swimming and cycling. Strengthening your muscles also increases your ability to work during the day. In addition to strengthening the waist muscles, due attention should be paid to the abdominal muscles and the large muscle groups in the upper and lower parts of the leg. These muscles provide significant support to the back and abdominal muscles by providing balance. They enable us to perform daily movements much more comfortably and reduce our risk of falling. Special equipment and gyms can help us in this regard, but there are also methods that require very little technical equipment and are not expensive, with which you can strengthen the lower back muscles at home. Simply adding a pillow or two below the waist will provide more resistance. Two pieces of equipment that are frequently used and very useful are a Swedish ball and a basic Romanian chair. Summary

A good back treatment includes moderate strengthening followed by pain-reducing exercises and appropriate stretching. . Applying these techniques will help reduce your pain and prevent complaints from reoccurring in the future.

Where Should You Start?
1. Walking: Start with 10 minutes every day and go up to 30 minutes. Increase walking distance and speed as much as you can tolerate.

2. Standing back stretch: Place your hands on both sides of your waist. Press inward with your fingers while stretching back as much as you can tolerate.
Wait like this for 1-2 seconds. Repeat the movement 10 times, trying to stretch more each time. If you do not experience pain, every 2 hours Apply once again.

3.Face down on the elbow: Stand on the elbow with your waist bent inwards. In this case, wait 10 seconds. Repeat the movement 3 times. If your pain does not increase, reapply every 2 hours.

4. Push-ups: Dig your waist by raising your body on your hands. After waiting for 1-2 seconds, return to the prone position. Repeat 10 times, increasing your waistline each time. If your pain does not increase, reapply every 2 hours.

5. Standing posture: Throw your head back and lift your chin; Your ears, shoulders and hips should be in the same alignment and in a balanced position with your feet (left is bad, right is good posture).

6. Sitting posture: Ears, shoulders and hips should be in the same alignment while sitting (Left is wrong, right is correct).

7. One knee pulled to the chest: Pull one knee up to your chest and hold it for 10 seconds. Repeat this movement 3 times for both legs.

8.Both knees pulled to the chest: Pull both knees up to your chest and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat this movement 3 times. If there is no increase in your pain, repeat this application 2-3 times during the day.

9.Face down backward stretching: Raise your head and shoulders off the floor by placing your hands behind you. Wait like this for 5-10 seconds. Repeat the movement 3 times.
10. Prone back stretch with the ball: Raise your head and shoulders off the floor by placing your hands behind your back. Wait like this for 5-10 seconds. Repeat the movement 3 times.
11.Romanian chair backbend: This is a more advanced exercise and may not be suitable for everyone! After the hip pad is placed on the hip bulge, the body is lifted using the waist muscles. The exercise should be done slowly (up for a count of 3 and down for a count of 4). Repeat the movement 5-10 times.

12.Folding up: Reach your hands towards your knees and straighten your waist. Lift your head and shoulders off the floor and hold for 5-10 seconds. Repeat the movement 3 times.
13.Cat/Camel Position:  Place your hands in line with your shoulders and your knees in line with your hips. Arch your back by contracting your abdominal muscles brighten and wait 5-10 seconds. Relax and arch your waist.
14. Supine ball stretching: Lift your hips off the ground by placing your hands on the floor. Wait like this for 5-10 seconds. Repeat the movement 3 times.


15.Chair rise: Stand up from the chair slowly (counting to 3) with your hands crossed on your chest and sit down again slowly. Repeat this movement 5-10 times.


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