Sleep problems that are not caused by another disease can usually be solved by reducing the person's stress and paying attention to some rules called sleep hygiene. We can define sleep hygiene as 'the conditions necessary for a quality sleep'.
The recommendations are as follows:
• Go to bed at the same time every day and get out of bed at the same time. The more irregular these hours are, the more your sleep problems will increase. • Go to bed only when you feel sleepy. If you can't sleep, don't spend any more time in bed. • Use your bed only for sleeping. Do not use your bed for activities such as eating, watching movies, playing on the phone.
• Stop eating and drinking at least 3 hours before your sleep time.
• Avoid blue light sources (phones, computers, televisions, etc.) after dark. ) stay away. These devices will prevent you from secreting melatonin, known as the sleep hormone.
• Avoid excessive consumption of caffeinated drinks, cigarettes and chocolate during the day. Cut them out completely, especially 4-6 hours before sleep. • Avoid exercise before sleep. As body temperature increases, the secretion of the melatonin hormone, which is responsible for sleep, is stopped, which makes it difficult for you to sleep.
• Your room should neither be too cold nor too hot.
• Be careful not to change your bedtime and exit times too much on weekends and holidays.
• Do not take sleeping pills without consulting your doctor.
• If it helps you fall asleep, you can listen to classical music or audio books at low volume.
• You can access meditations for sleep with a simple Google search.
• Take advantage of daylight during the day and be careful to spend time outside. Regular exercise is important for quality sleep. • Be sure to take your psychiatric medications at the time recommended by your doctor. Some medications are recommended in the morning, while others are recommended before sleep.
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