Why is healthy nutrition important?
We must feed for growth, development, renewal of worn tissues and to provide energy. We must be conscious while doing this.
How to eat healthy?
Our daily nutritional and calorie needs are determined according to our age, gender, height, weight and physical activity. Since there is no official website on this subject in our country, I can give as an example a website address prepared by the US government: www.choosemyplate.gov: SuperTracker. By visiting this site, you can calculate the amount of 5 main food groups you should consume per day. These; grains, fruits, vegetables, protein, milk and dairy products.
What is a balanced diet?
It is a diet containing protein, fat and carbohydrates.
What are the sources of protein?
Meat, milk, dairy products, eggs, beans, peas, hazelnuts…
Why should there be fat in the diet?
Fat is one of the building blocks of the body. They play a role in the body's defense system, the functioning of clotting factors, and the use of vitamins A, D, E, and K. Omega-3, a type of fat, is important for brain development.
Which type of oil is best?
Vegetable unsaturated fats are the healthiest.
What are harmful fats?
Saturated and trans fats are not healthy because they are sources of cholesterol.
How do I reduce fat?
Apart from the foods we consume, we can reduce the amount of fat we consume per day by changing the way we cook.
Why should carbohydrates be in the diet?
The body's most basic energy source is carbohydrates.
What are the types of carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates are divided into two as 'simple' and 'complex'.
Simple carbohydrates are a source of fast energy. It is found in natural and artificial foods such as naturally sweet foods (fruit), table sugar, honey and syrup.
Complex carbohydrates are a long-term energy source. They also contain fiber. They are found in bread, rice, some fruits and starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn).
What are fibrous foods? ir?
The indigestible part of plant foods is called 'fiber'. They originate from fruits, vegetables and whole grain products. Since they have a low glycemic index, they ensure stable blood sugar levels and prevent hunger and therefore diabetes. It also has preventive effects against constipation. They lower cholesterol.
Why is calcium important?
It is important for bone health.
What is the source of calcium?
Milk and dairy products, dark green leafy vegetables, soy and seafood contain plenty of calcium.
Why is vitamin D important?
It is important because it ensures the absorption of calcium from the intestines.
What is the source of vitamin D?
Milks with vitamin D supplements, fish such as salmon containing unsaturated fat, and sunlight are sources of vitamin D.
Why is iron important?
Iron is required for blood production in the body.
What is a dietary source of iron?
Spinach, beans, red meat and liver are the richest food sources of iron. It is very difficult to absorb iron from the intestines. We can increase iron absorption by taking citrus products such as tomatoes and oranges containing vitamin C.
What is folic acid and why is it important?
Folic acid, a B group vitamin, is the only vitamin proven to cause structural anomalies in babies due to its deficiency in women of reproductive age. It is recommended to take 400 micrograms of folic acid per day, at least one month before pregnancy, in those who have no other health problems.
What is the source of folic acid?
Dark green leafy vegetables, flour, rice, beans. and yellow fruits are rich in folic acid.
Why is salt harmful?
Excess salt is the cause of hypertension. It is recommended to consume less than 1 teaspoon (<2300 mg) per day. If you are over 50 years of age, have diabetes, kidney disease or blood pressure, salt should be consumed ≤ 1500 mg/day.
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