Obesity has become the biggest problem of our age. Obesity, caused by excess fat tissue in the body, brings with it many diseases. As a result of the research, obesity is very common in children!
It affects the success of the child!
The probability of children whose parents are obese to become obese increases 13 times. Moreover, the expectation of success decreases in children whose parents are overweight!
Factors that cause obesity
The risk of obesity increases in children who are not breastfed.
Another factor is that mothers act hastily and start supplementary food early.
The mother smokes or consumes alcohol during pregnancy
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If one of the parents is overweight, it causes obesity!
Trying to force children to eat. Another factor is that the portions given are too large and the child is fed even though he does not feel hungry.
Pre-packaged foods and sugary drinks should be given to children from an early age.
Lack of an environment that will allow the child to release his/her energy during the day. It is necessary to be aware that the child is a social being. If a child spends time in front of the TV, when he should be playing with his peers in the park or garden, this invites obesity.
Lack of a table culture in the family.
The risk of obesity increases in children who do not get enough sleep. Children need to sleep at least 7 hours and at most 11 hours during the day. If this environment is not provided, the likelihood of an increase in the number of fat cells increases during childhood.
Another study found that if children are fed sugary foods in their first 3 years of age, their addiction to sugar increases, and in the following period. It causes premature aging.
Considering all these factors, parents have a great responsibility as parents. It is very important to fulfill your responsibilities as parents in the development and protection of your children's health and in the formation of a table culture.
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