Psychotherapy is a Greek word generally formed by combining the terms psycho (soul) and therapy (healing). In line with this conclusion, psychotherapy is the cornerstone of the psychotherapy process by repairing and healing mental distress, bringing subconscious conflicts to the level of consciousness, working with them and making the client aware of the conflicts, and thus ensuring that the person's behavior is on the conscious surface from the unconscious.
In the field, The duties of a psychotherapist are to diagnose and evaluate the problem, to apply the necessity of psychological help and treatment, and to examine them as a whole, by people who are specialized and trained in a certain school of therapy and have fulfilled its requirements. Therapy; If it is a journey, the therapist is not the person who decides on your behalf which direction you will go on this journey, but the one who offers a map to his client and is an illuminating beacon in the dead ends of his story and the difficulties he faces on his dark path; He is a person who helps the client alleviate his mental suffering and gain a new perspective on himself, and who has the skills and competence to use certain techniques while doing this.
Human being is a living being; He has been in constant interaction with other people since his birth. While emotions, thoughts, excitement and many other factors constitute a person's internal processes, communication with other people, events, conflicts and similar factors constitute a person's external processes. The fact that a human being is a social being occurs when he evaluates the events he experiences through conscious or unconscious processes and reflects the appropriate behavior in order to maintain his vitality.
Although there are traces of the current situation in the decisions and choices a person makes, the traces of past experiences also affect the person's behavior, decisions and habits. In this case, in the process of making choices and making decisions, man is not only a soulless being who reacts to the situation he lives in, but also an active being who feels his own spirituality in the situation he lives in. People interact with each other through their internal and external processes. While we can sometimes make the right decision and make healthy choices, sometimes it can be difficult to do this, and in this case, people need to get help and go to psychotherapy.
Features that Distinguish Psychotherapy from Friendship Environment
In therapy sessions; Unlike the circle of friends, the psychotherapist contributes to the client's development of a new understanding of the events he experiences by remaining objective to the client's experiences, and serves as an "additional pair of eyes and ears" to enable him to see from a different dimension rather than covering up the difficulty he is experiencing. Therapy sessions; It is not used to reassure you, justify you, or decide on your behalf what to do. The therapist does not give you advice, give his personal opinion, make comments, or criticize you for what you say. It helps you get to know yourself and realize your personality traits. After a while, the client can develop a new understanding in the sessions, change his old thoughts, and understand his personal map better, unlike the ideas given by his friends and those around him.
Another important factor that distinguishes therapy sessions from conversations in a friendly environment is; Therapies are carried out within a certain framework. It is important to have a professional relationship and ethical rules between the therapist and the client, not to meet privately with the clients outside of session hours, not to have any blood ties, kinship or friendship relations with the client, and not to establish an emotional relationship within the context of these rules, in order to draw the therapeutic framework.
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