Negative Thoughts Predict Depression

Asst.Prof.Dr. Onur Okan Demir said that negative thoughts are a sign of depression.

"This word is used to indicate that words or sentences containing negative emotions that we frequently express will happen to us. In this distortion, known as "fortune telling", the person thinks that he will encounter something bad." He thinks about it and looks for evidence to support it, and tries to make predictions. In general, since people remember more negative memories than positive ones, they tend to think more often and remember things that happened, rather than things that didn't happen. To overcome this, you can use the events that come to your mind frequently and don't happen as evidence against that situation. "You can attempt to solve the ones you can by trying to find other reasons that may cause it to be negative. Of course, if you want to believe in it, you can hope for it to happen by thinking positively, like "I will win the lottery today," he said.

A person cannot enjoy his life by imagining the worst that will happen to him. stated Dr. Demir listed the negative thoughts as follows:

"'I laughed so much, something will happen to me' - 'Come to the funeral prayer': These are the words used by those who wholeheartedly believe that negative events will eventually happen to them. The term "catastrophizing" In this distortion, the person exaggerates what could happen to him and imagines the worst possible outcome. For this reason, he cannot enjoy the situation he is in, or he thinks that if he enjoys it less, he will get rid of that negative situation. However, no matter what we do, something bad can always happen to us, other than that. We cannot completely get rid of it by thinking or feeling. Improving our skills in coping with the problem and valuing our skills, being able to think of alternatives, trying to understand how other people cope and why they do not feel the same way as you, remembering how we have overcome stressful life events before, learning from each negative event. Knowing what we can achieve will make us feel less anxious about these thoughts.

'He will find me' - 'The pumpkin hit me again': 'Overgeneralization' is a distortion in which a person believes that an event that has happened to him will always repeat itself like history. When we encounter any negative event, it is as if we experience that situation every day. We think of the event as if we were experiencing it and get angry, or we worry that it will happen again. When we overgeneralize, we overlook all other possibilities and end up feeling worse and worse. It may be useful to think that negative events happen to others, to calculate how often such negative events happen to us, which are generally less than we think, and to compare that situation with other days and situations. We use it frequently to protect. When we see the negative thoughts and behaviors of others, we avoid talking about them, criticizing them, or trying to correct them in order to avoid experiencing this. Or we think that the negative situations we experience happen because we criticized them in a similar event in the past. This can lead us to blame ourselves or even focus solely on that, which can cause us to overlook the positive behaviors we are exhibiting in the present. Because of this negative pattern, known as the "regret bias," we always try to take precautions. Because a new mistake we make may cause us to encounter another problem in the future. Of course, we have made mistakes in the past and we can make them again. We gain experience through our mistakes and learn through our mistakes. It is natural to seek, find and correct our own blame for our mistakes; It is unhealthy to live with this and direct our lives accordingly.

'This is a complete waste of time' - 'It's all or nothing': Distortion in which people or events are evaluated at extreme points such as black and white. It is called "polar/binary thinking". This negative pattern, which is at the center of perfectionism, causes you to sink to the bottom with the slightest mistake. In fact, life is rarely one way or the other. There are no absolutes in the universe. That's why if you force yourself into absolute situations, you will often live in depression. Because this situation does not correspond to real life. It is useful to try to find the grays between black and white, to see what binary thinking causes in your life, to observe how such thinking returns to you, to examine whether your life is as bad as you expected when you live in gray tones, to focus on the positives and evaluate alternatives. "maybe."

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