Mindfulness in 5 Steps

1.What is Mindfulness?

It involves paying attention to what is happening in the present moment, noticing the quality of this attention, and accepting all these noticed without rushing to judgment. This is called conscious awarenessthat is, mindfulness. It has two sizes. The first dimension is noticing what is happening in the present moment, and the second dimension is the way we meet all these things we notice (without prejudice, with compassion).

2.What does mindfulness give me?

Mindfulness not only teaches us conceptually what we need to do, but also provides us with a set of skills that will enable us to put these into practice. For example; Such as psychological resilience, resilience, leadership, motivation, bonding, relationship management... etc.

3.In which areas is mindfulness used?


Just as it helps us establish relationships with our thoughts, emotions and body, it can also be used in parenting, children, business life and stress reduction.


4.How to do Mindfulness?


The first step in Conscious Awareness is to focus our attention. The second step is to realize our intentions, and the third step is to realize our attitudes. The most well-known exercise to focus attention is the 'Raisin Exercise'. By touching, smelling, looking, hearing and tasting, we follow their perception with raisins and perform an action with awareness that we do without realizing it on automatic pilot. The ability to experience each experience as if it were the first is an important tool for getting out of automatic pilot in conscious awareness and being more in touch with the current moment.

Another important exercise is the 'Breathing Exercise'. If we consciously focus on our breathing, we will be in touch with the present moment. Whenever we feel that our mind is distracted and we have lost control over consciousness or are not in a state of awareness, we can try the breath monitoring method.

Note: Since there are many exercises, two of them are exemplified for clarity.


5.Can I do Mindfulness alone?


Work with a preventive mental health specialist (Psychological Counselor) on your attention, intentions and attitudes. Conducts conscious awareness exercises in sessions You can do the exercises yourself after using the tips you have obtained.


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