It is not actually correct to attribute the answer to this question to a single reason. As it is thought, weight gain due to excessive food intake is one of these reasons. First of all, you should be examined under the supervision of a doctor and the necessary tests should be done. If we look at the reasons:
Hormonal irregularities (insulin resistance, underactivity of the thyroid gland, vitamin D deficiency, anemia, polycystic ovary)
Drugs used (use of antidepressants, some drugs used in diabetes, payment Wrong eating behaviors (eating fast, taking large portions, consuming high-calorie foods, eating 1-2 meals a day, eating only one type of food, nutrition due to eating behavior disorder)
Weight gain due to the cortisol hormone, which increases in stress level. The desire to consume large amounts of carbohydrates and subsequently the increase in the happiness hormone. Eating habit that has become a complete vicious circle p>
Low physical activity (working at a desk for a long time, commuting to work by car, not doing any sports)
As can be understood, it is not possible to attribute weight gain only to overeating
What do we do if we have insulin resistance according to the blood test results?
When a person starts to gain weight, the insulin hormone begins to increase in the body. This causes you to want to consume more carbohydrates. In other words, the desire for floury and sugary foods increases. As you consume these foods, you get hungry faster and eat faster. If you have a family history of diabetes, increased fat around your waist, have a harder time losing weight and have an increased desire for sugary foods, you may have insulin resistance.
Studies have shown that regular exercise is a very effective treatment method for insulin resistance. 45 minutes of moderate exercise (brisk walking, swimming, jogging, cycling) 3-4 days a week will be sufficient. Additionally, metformin and acorbose group drugs recommended by your doctor will suppress your appetite and help you lose weight. Let's talk about medical nutrition therapy, which is the most effective step of the treatment. The following are the rules:
Choosing foods with a low glycemic index.To explain a little more, it is the tendency of foods to increase blood sugar levels. The human body uses blood glucose, that is, sugar, as fuel. When we consume sugary foods, insulin release in the body increases and sugar begins to fall. Immediately afterwards, there is a tendency to consume sugary foods again due to the sudden drop in sugar. After that, complaints such as drowsiness and fatigue occur. This vicious circle causes the person to gain weight.
Which foods should we stay away from:
Table sugar, honey, molasses, jam, halva, chocolate, Turkish delight, sugary drinks, and All kinds of desserts containing sugar. Additionally, foods such as fruit juices, melon, figs, watermelon, bananas and white bread, pastries made from white flour, rice, carrots and peas can also increase blood sugar rapidly.
Glycemic Foods with low index are:
Dried legumes, fruits such as apple, orange, kiwi, tangerine, grapefruit, pineapple and whole grain products (oats, bulgur, brown rice, pasta made from whole wheat flour). Consuming too much of foods with a low glycemic index can also cause weight gain and increase the glycemic load, thus causing blood sugar to rise. Consuming foods with a high glycemic index along with protein-rich foods helps us stay full and prevents blood sugar from rising late. It also helps in weight loss treatment. In particular, studies show that starting the meal with proteins and consuming carbohydrates last is effective in blood sugar regulation. Consuming pastries with a protein such as meat, chicken or fish, and especially with a salad rich in lemon, raises blood sugar more slowly.
Make sure to follow a nutrition program specially prepared for you with the help of a doctor and a dietitian
You should eat 3 main meals and at least 2 snacks
We should not stay hungry for more than 3-4 hours
Stay away from simple sugars (table sugar, honey, molasses, chocolate, sherbet desserts, sugary drinks, fruit juices, etc.) Take it
Make sure to use whole grain products in your main meals (such as whole wheat bread, oats, bulgur)
Three times a week. Exercise should be done 4 times for 45 minutes - 1 hour. Exercise should never be done while hungry. It is most appropriate to exercise 1 hour after the main meal and 30 minutes after the snack.
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