If We Want to Improve Our Emotional Intelligence

It is a scientifically known fact that people with high emotional intelligence have high success and life satisfaction. This being the case, we would like to improve our emotional intelligence. Just as we can develop our body muscles by working out regularly, it is possible to improve our emotional intelligence by working with certain methods.

Emotional intelligence, in short, is being able to understand ourselves and others; We can define this understanding as being able to manage the situations we encounter by establishing a balance between ourselves and the other person.

For the 'understanding ourselves' part, which is the first requirement;

Who am I? What roles do I have in life and how do these roles affect me?


What do I like? What bothers me?


In which environments would I be happy? Which ones do I have trouble with?


What are my values ​​and their place in my life?


Am I aware of my strengths and weaknesses? What are the effects of these on my life?


Do I know my talents and interests? To what extent do I give them justice?


How is my emotional state? What emotions do I experience in which situations? What happens to my behavior and its consequences as a result?


The answers to these questions are; We can achieve this by focusing and thinking, by doing research and observation, and by consulting the opinions of people we trust to be a mirror for us on this issue.


A person who knows himself and has high self-awareness will have great love for himself. By knowing himself, a person comes to terms with his disadvantages in life and overcomes them. This awareness brings acceptance and resistance to life is broken; thus life becomes easier. By knowing himself, a person highlights his strengths and knows how to make himself advantageous in life positions.


The person first tastes respect for himself and then applies this to others. Because he understood the value of 'being himself'. It gives others the opportunity to be themselves.


In the second stage, to understand others;


Drink with people. We need to be introverted. By frequently communicating with them in social life, by listening to them, by observing people's thoughts, feelings and behaviors (where-why-how), by being aware of their interests and abilities, we get to know others and become open to the possibility of different preferences and lives outside of our own.


This nourishes our emotional intelligence by supporting us to establish balance between ourselves and the lives of others and to respect them.


Behaviors that will support understanding the person in front of us. One of them is empathy. In empathy, we ask ourselves, "How would you feel?" The answer we give determines the way we treat the other person. When we practice this frequently, our ability to empathize increases and becomes automatic.


Of course, this whole process of change and development requires time. We can't just let go of our old patterns of behavior. As we practice, our new behaviors become our personality and we begin to experience the brilliant results that our emotional intelligence brings to us.


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