Computer Use in Children and Adolescents

I can't get my child off the computer. No matter what I do, he won't give up on computer games. Endless arguments at home because of computers or smart tablets...

So, when you told me to turn off the computer, did it work so far or were you able to reach a healthy solution when you imposed bans? ?

While the computer, one of the important inventions of the twentieth century, has begun to take an increasingly important place in human life; We demand from our children to keep their distance from something that makes our lives so much easier. However, from the perspective of children, it is a fact that computers have positive contributions to education and development if they are used well.

Every child is curious and every child has a sense of competition. We can encourage these feelings of curiosity and competition in children and help the child focus his attention on a particular subject. In addition, this type of research helps children's cognitive development, planning and problem-solving skills.

Computer also contributes to the development of writing and communication skills. The child needs to share his thoughts before writing. While thinking about how to write, it supports effective learning by reading. As long as it attracts the child's attention, the computer functions as a free teacher. It also gives the student the opportunity to self-succeed in courses that he could not achieve at school.

It is accepted that pre-school education programs or appropriate computer activities are important, especially because they contribute to hand-eye coordination. While children's cognitive processes are supported, their intellectual development is simultaneously supported.

Another thought is the perspective of families and the social environment on games... We generally have false beliefs that many games harm our children and even disrupt our children's psychology. Appropriate for the age of the children and free of violence and aggression; It can be said that playing computer games that support intelligence development under the supervision of parents and within the time they deem appropriate provides positive support for children's mental development.

So should we ban it? What solutions should we find?

Don't ban! Bring limitations.

One of our solution suggestions to remove our children from the computer is to eliminate the computer completely. This causes violent arguments and growing tensions within the family. However, if we determine the time our children will spend on the computer and the internet and talk with clear rules about what may happen when they exceed this time, we will have fewer difficulties.

Until they reach a certain level of awareness, keep their work under control as well as the time they spend on the computer


Actually, everything starts with a little attention... As in everything, turning to your children a little, talking about their needs and capturing the emotions they feel while playing the computer... Thinking of alternatives that can make them experience the same emotions and presenting these alternatives to them from a different perspective. … Yes, there are actually many things we can do as parents. Monitoring and keeping our children under control, as well as the time they spend in front of the computer until they reach a certain level of awareness, is as valuable as setting rules.

Be a good model for them!

Being a parent is quite difficult, isn't it? Endless tasks and constantly renewing ourselves in terms of parenting are also part of this difficulty...

Children are like an empty machine. They take what they see from their parents and develop it further and create a new model. If we want to influence our children's use of computers, we must first draw our own boundaries and turn to ourselves. If a mother constantly has a phone in her hand and has trouble even making eye contact, or a father comes home in the evening and exaggerates the amount of time he spends on the computer or television, it is impossible for our children not to become technology monsters one day...

If you are a computer user, you are at home more than necessary. Set a positive example for your child by not spending time in front of the computer. If your child uses the internet, take control of the sites he visits by determining together a list of sites that are suitable for him. Target education for children Get software suitable for your needs and share together. Share your children's work and achievements on the computer and guide them in a good way.

If you do not set limits at a young age, they will parent you in adolescence!

The child-parent relationship When we look at it, sometimes the roles conflict. It's as if our children act like their parents' parents, and we can say that this situation has become annoying for the parents. We often encounter adolescents around us who command their parents and who humiliate their parents with a slightly sarcastic attitude towards the rules. This is valid for every subject, including the use of technologies such as computers and tablets.

It is important for your child to have self-control regarding computer and internet use. Because the mother and father's efforts to establish authority in adolescents will cause constant conflicts and will be a process that wears out the family, young people and children. Therefore, the most important thing that needs to be solved at a younger age is to set limits for children and to raise individuals who can do their own internal control when they reach adolescence.

You can give mini education to your children.

Warn your child about the dangers that may arise from computer and internet use and let him know that you are following him. Warn your child not to share private and personal information, not to transmit pictures and videos, and not to participate in fights and discussions with people over the internet.

You can give a mini training on the protection of personal information and violation of boundaries. In a practical way, you can warn them about where the information they enter can reach, and thus they will be able to access information that is secret from you, that you do not trust; You will also prevent them from being in environments that you cannot control (internet cafes, etc.).

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