Orthokeratology Overnight Lenses

Myopia has gone crazy, now babies are nearsighted, children too. And very high numbers are waiting for you. First you need to stop, then reduce. Above the number 3 myopia also causes serious deterioration in the eye. The child and family do not understand the seriousness of the situation. The child says, “All of my friends have such high numbers.” He accepts the situation as normal. The family thinks that there will be a laser in the future, but they are not aware of the problems that await the child due to the deterioration of the eye structures, even if it is laser. Both the physician and the family have left the business to their own devices. But there are many things that the ophthalmologist and the family can do. Myopia progression can be prevented by tidying up the lifestyle. Other precautions need to be taken for families who are late.

   Overnight lenses are one of them. Overnight lenses have been developed to stop and reduce the progress of children and young people in the age of progress.

    There are 3 separate issues here:

1.Sleep lenses are worn at night, In the morning, the lens is removed, and a good vision is achieved all day long without glasses and lenses.

The progression of the 2nd eye number is stopped.

The 3rd eye number is reduced.

   Reliability: Much safer than laser eyeglass removal operations, easy to recycle. Approved by the US FDA.

How long has it been in use? It has been in use since 1960. Hard lens applications did not receive much attention. With the development of lens technology in recent years, it was developed with a soft sleep lens in 1996 and provided comfort

  What ages? From 5 years old It can be applied at any age.

Especially in the developmental period up to the age of 24. It is especially convenient for children.

  Which numbers? Myopia and small astigmatism up to 5 -6, hyperopia and near vision disorders

     Which visual defects apply? Myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, Prespyopia (nearsightedness) Especially myopia. In myopia, number progression is stopped and at the same time the number is reduced gradually. It can be applied to myopia up to 5-6 numbers.


How does the system work? The specially designed lens flattens the corneal surface, allowing the image to fall on the retina as in a normal person. Gradually, the lens arch is flattened to flatten the cornea. The development of scar tissue in the periphery hardens this area and corrects the corneal center.

    What to do? First, it should answer the following questions.

*Do you need it?

*Is your eye an eye that tends to progress?

*Is your eye suitable for wearing lenses?

*Is your eyeglasses suitable for treatment?

*Cornea Is your thickness appropriate?

*Is your tear level sufficient?

*Are you allergic?

     These lenses;

  Lenses for shaping the cornea. It has a different design from other lenses due to its different purpose. That's why it's only worn overnight. It puts pressure on the sides and corrects the middle region of the cornea, that is, there is no operation in the middle area where vision is provided. It shapes the cornea by creating negative and positive pressure, not by touching it.

     Is the change in the eye too much? Think of the strand of your hair, much less than its thickness.

You wake up in the morning: When you get up in the morning and remove the lens, you will have a perfect vision of 10/10 without glasses or lenses and you will maintain this vision all day long. If you forget to wear contact lenses one day, you will still see them without glasses until the next day.

  Why is it expensive? This is a personalized production. After the measurement is made, it is sent to the production center and personalized production is made. You can consider this as a ready-made dress or a tailor-made dress.

   What can I think of? Cornered watermelon production you can think of. The watermelon is produced in a mold, it grows like a box, not a sphere.

   I came to the eye doctor, what awaits me? The ophthalmologist evaluates in terms of tears, allergies, eye number, takes the map of the front lens of the eye in the form of a 3D video and sends it to the manufacturing company. The firm evaluates the findings and sends the lens.

    Are you aware? There are two separate processes here. The first is the group of patients who want to wear lenses at night and see without glasses or lenses during the day, and the other is the group of patients who will reduce or correct their eye number. .

   Small tricks: The recovery process is faster and shorter in small numbers. Improvement in vision takes several weeks for high numbers.


Is it comfortable? Soft contact lenses are comfortable. It takes a little longer to achieve comfort in a hard lens. But since you're asleep, these aren't a problem.

   Can I stop the treatment whenever I want? Yes, you can stop, go back to the glasses, take a break and start again. Or if you use the lens from other lenses, you can turn to it. Or you can be a laser.

   Should I be a laser? Let us remind you that in a hospital where only 32 ophthalmologists work, none of the 8 doctors with glasses is a laser….


   The advantage of Overnight lenses is that they can be applied from the age of 5. The fact that the eye structures are not hardened provides convenience in treatment. Plus numbers are very effective at these ages in terms of lazy eye and strabismus. It is also the most suitable age for the removal of astigmatism. Myopia, which starts at the age of 7-14 years, starts at the age of 4-5 due to the changing lifestyle.

  What ages?&n bsp; It can be applied at any age from the age of 5 onwards.

Especially in the developmental period up to the age of 24. It is especially convenient for children.

  Which numbers? Myopia and small astigmatism up to 5 -6, hyperopia and near vision disorders

  Which is applicable to visual defects? Myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, prespyopia (nearsightedness) Especially myopia, number progression in myopia is stopped and at the same time, the number is gradually reduced. It can be applied to myopia up to 5-6 numbers.


How does the system work? The specially designed lens flattens the corneal surface, allowing the image to fall on the retina as in a normal person. Gradually, the lens arch is flattened to flatten the cornea. The development of scar tissue in the periphery hardens this area and corrects the corneal center.

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