Motor Speech Disorder

Apraxia of speech is a motor speech disorder that can occur without any problems in the muscles used in speech production or in the brain. The brain has difficulty in using the structures used in speech (tongue, lips) properly and in a coordinated manner. Situations such as the use of missing or limited speech sounds, the inability to combine the sounds used, the use of simple sounds instead of difficult sounds and the simplification of words are observed. Apraxia can also affect other organs of the body (lower and upper extremities). The person has difficulty in performing daily activities and the quality of life is negatively affected. ) is a motor speech disorder in which breathing, voicing, resonance, articulation and prosodic features of speech are affected as a result of spasticity, flaccidity, coordination disorder and paralysis, and therefore intelligibility is limited.

How is dysarthria evaluated?

The purpose of the evaluation is screening and detection, diagnosis, and planning the intervention method. Evaluation is based on identifying damaged structures and their functions with imaging methods, direct observation of the movements and functions of speech production structures with devices, and perceptual evaluation of speech production. In order to make more objective judgments, computerized voice analysis systems (CSL), video and audio recorders are used to evaluate the acoustic properties of speech.

What is apraxia of speech (Verbal Apraxia)?

It is a motor disorder related to the programming of speech in adulthood and childhood. The adult form occurs after normal language and speech development. Childhood apraxic speech occurs as a result of structural brain damage. It is also defined as sensory motor speech disorder. It is a disorder of motor planning in the center required to produce words and provide voluntary muscle movements.


What are the characteristics of apraxic speech?

Pronunciation problems are often observed. In addition, phonation coordination, frequency and/or emphasis are effective. sick yet He is aware of his inadequacy; as word length increases, the problem increases. Articulation disorders are not consistent; Variations are seen in repetitions, extensions or word changes. Consonants are more difficult to pronounce than vowels, initial consonants are more difficult than final consonants. Perfectly pronounced parts of speech are frequently encountered, especially in automatic and frequently used words.

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