Dear Mother and Father

Most of the surgeries regarding Pediatric Surgery are performed by children coming to the hospital on the day of surgery, having surgery on the same day and being discharged from the hospital on the same day. In this group defined as outpatient surgery, we can give examples of procedures such as inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia, undescended testicle, circumcision, minor surgical interventions and endoscopic interventions. The advantage of day surgery is that it allows children to quickly return to their family environment without having to spend a long time in a different environment, such as a hospital, from the home and family environment they are used to.


When you apply to our hospital for your child's illness and the decision for outpatient surgery is made, you will be given detailed information about your child's illness and the surgical procedure to be performed. After the surgery date is determined, you will be given “Specific Information and Consent Document for Surgery” and “Pre-Anesthesia Information and Consent Document” so that you can be informed in advance. You will be informed about the practices you will do until the day of surgery and The issues you need to pay attention to will be explained in detail.

When you learn that your child requires a surgical procedure, all family members will of course be affected by this situation. Do not hesitate to ask your doctor any questions you may have about your child's illness and the surgery to be performed. Depending on their age, your child may also be affected by this condition. You need to discuss this situation with your child in a manner appropriate to his age and understanding and prepare him for surgery. It is extremely important for psychological support for your child to prepare him/her psychologically for the surgery by telling him about his illness, why he needs surgery, the benefits expected from the surgery, and under what conditions the surgery will be performed.

Before Leaving Home.

  • Bathing your child and cutting his nails the night before the surgery will reduce the risk of infection after surgery.
  • If your child is breastfed, you can breastfeed him until 3 hours before the planned surgery time. If your child eats solid foods If you are expecting it, you can feed it with solid food up to 6 hours before the planned surgery time, and with liquid foods (water, fruit juice) up to 3 hours before the planned surgery time. Do not give your child any food after the specified hours and take your child to the hospital hungry.
  • If your child has accessories such as earrings, hairpins, bracelets, etc., you must remove them before leaving home.
  • Due to your child's other existing diseases. If you have any medication(s) prescribed to be used before and/or after anesthesia, bring them with you.
  • It would be appropriate for your child to bring one or more of his/her favorite toys with him/her to the surgery. When you arrive

    You must be at the hospital 2 hours before the planned surgery time. When you come to the hospital, go directly to the "Patient Admission and Discharge Department". After the check-in procedure is completed, you and your child will be taken to your room accompanied by the hostess. Before the surgery, if it has not been examined before, blood will be taken from your child's fingertip for bleeding tests, and a pre-operative evaluation of your child will be made in your room by your pediatric surgeon and anesthesiologist.

    In the pre-operative period, your child will have fever, cough, runny nose, vomiting, If you experience symptoms such as diarrhea, be sure to tell your doctor. In these cases, your child's surgery may need to be postponed.

    If your child is allergic to any substance or medication, or if he/she uses medication regularly, please share this with your doctor. Aspirin-like medications should be discontinued with the knowledge of your doctor one week before the surgery, as they increase the tendency for bleeding.


    After your child's final pre-operative evaluation and necessary bleeding tests are performed, the surgery will begin. If there is no obstacle, your child can be given a sedative medicine along with a little fruit juice half an hour before the planned surgery time. After your child is undressed and dressed in surgical clothing, he/she will be accompanied by the floor nurse and his/her parents to the operating room door, and will be handed over to the operating room team at the door. For hygiene reasons, patient relatives are not allowed to enter the operating room. r. After your child wakes up from anesthesia in the operating room and regains consciousness, he will be handed over to the floor nurse and taken to his room.

    After the Surgery

    With the effect of the painkiller treatment applied to your child, your child will sleep comfortably for a while. . If your child has been given full anesthesia, you will be able to start feeding two hours after the surgery. If the procedure was performed with local anesthesia (circumcision, etc.) along with sedative anesthesia (sedoanalgesia), you will be able to feed after you regain consciousness. Your child will be seen again by your doctor in the floor room and if there is no obstacle to going home, you will be discharged. Depending on the nature of the surgery performed, your doctor will make the necessary recommendations before discharge, the medications to be used will be prescribed, and the date for your follow-up will be determined. Patients who undergo outpatient surgery are usually sent home within 4-6 hours after surgery.

    Home Care

    There is no need for any restriction in terms of your child's nutrition and movements at home. You can continue your pre-operative nutrition regimen as it is.

    Depending on the type of surgical intervention, painkillers should be given at regular intervals as recommended by your doctor, especially in the first 24 hours. Pain may continue to decrease in the first 3 days. Your child may have a temporary sore throat due to anesthesia. This is a normal situation.

    After the surgery, problems such as temporary high fever, nausea-vomiting, inability to pass gas, appetite changes and stomach bloating may occur. If these symptoms continue, it would be appropriate to inform your doctor.

    In case of excessive swelling, redness, discharge and bleeding at the surgery site, you should inform your doctor without waiting for the control day.

    After the surgery, especially in the first week, do not allow your child to come into contact with people with contagious diseases such as cold or flu (hugging, kissing, etc.).

    Depending on the nature of the surgery performed, You need to go to the hospital for a check-up within the first three days after surgery. Do not remove the dressing until you come for a follow-up examination. During the follow-up examination, your child's surgical dressing will be removed and evaluated, and any If no negative developments are detected, it will be left open. After the control examination, you will be able to bathe your child and your child will continue his normal daily life before the surgery.

    We wish you healthy and happy days….

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