Alcohol and Substance Addiction

First of all, it is necessary to explain alcohol and substance addiction and define what addiction means.

Addiction; It is a physiological and psychological need that the individual cannot resist and prevent from the substance, alcohol or drug he is used to, the amount and frequency taken gradually increases, the individual experiences withdrawal symptoms when not taken, and it is a condition that negatively affects the brain and behavior of the person, which prevents him from continuing his social life.

Using alcohol and substances for the first time is a choice that the person makes voluntarily, but as the person continues to use alcohol and substances, increasing the amount and duration causes changes in the brain, pushing the person to use even though it affects the person negatively. It becomes impossible to prevent it.

In order to diagnose an individual's alcohol and substance addiction;

*Continuing use despite many negative effects. Negative effects; health problems, deterioration of interpersonal relationships, difficulty in maintaining social and business life.

*Increasing the duration and amount of alcohol or substance use and not being able to prevent it.

*Even in situations that may be dangerous for the person and his/her environment. Not preventing the use of alcohol and substances.

*Tolerance to alcohol and substances has developed.

*A constant desire or unsuccessful efforts to quit or control alcohol and substance use.

*Having a strong desire to use alcohol anddrugs.

* Spending a lot of time on activities necessary to obtain alcohol and drugs. . At least two substances must be seen in the person for twelve months.


*Problematic families and problematic family relationships, wrong parental attitudes; Excessive oppressive-authoritarian attitudes of the mother and father or their behavior that makes them feel indifferent, insensitive and lack of love. Especially during adolescence, the family's inability to communicate properly with the adolescent leads the adolescent to spend more time with his friends. It is known that friends and social environment are effective in starting and continuing drug and alcohol use, especially during this period.

*Shyness, internal e withdrawnness, poor social skills; In individuals whose personality traits, especially communication skills, are not sufficiently developed, substance and alcohol use, with its relaxing effect, allows the person to express himself more easily and makes him feel brave and more self-confident.

*Low school success, inadequacy in business life, economic reasons; In order to cope with failure, inadequacy and negative emotions, the person resorts to alcohol and substance use.

*A history of substance use in the family; The presence of alcohol and substance addiction in the family, Research supports that individuals with a genetic predisposition develop alcohol and substance addiction more than others. Individuals who grow up in families where addiction develops along with a genetic predisposition have developed a positive attitude towards alcohol and substances, and they easily resort to these substances in any situation they cannot cope with.


*Drug treatment is also an important element in alcohol and substance addiction. Problems related to alcohol and substance use and other accompanying psychiatric diseases need to be treated with medication.

*The first step in addiction treatment is always medical detoxification treatment. Detoxification treatment is the treatment with medication of the symptoms that occur during the withdrawal of the substance from the body.

*Continuing addiction treatment for a sufficient period of time is very important for addiction treatment to be effective. Many people start using alcohol and drugs again because they leave addiction treatment early.

*Offering individual and group psychotherapies are parts of the treatment. With these treatments, the patient's coping efforts are supported and insight is provided to the addicted individual.

*Cognitive and behavioral treatment approaches are also used in the long-term treatment of addiction. The aim of these treatment approaches is; It aims to prevent the individual from seeing matter as a source of pleasure, to change his interests and pleasure areas, and to support and strengthen his individual abilities.

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