Child Abuse in the Family and Its Prevention

The Turkish Language Association defines abuse as follows; “Abusing or exploiting someone's goodwill.” ('Abuse-Turkish Language Association', n.d.)

Child abuse; It is defined as "the exposure of children, consciously or unconsciously, to all kinds of attitudes and behaviors that negatively affect their physical, emotional, mental or social development by an adult, society or state."

Child abuse;

Physical Abuse: Torturing the child (putting out a cigarette on the child, sticking a needle in it, pouring cold or boiling water on it, etc.), attacks without tools (slapping, punching, beating). etc.), poisoning (Deliberate poisoning of children can occur with any drug or chemical substance (alcohol, sedative drugs, aspirin, caustic substances, insecticides, etc.)

Sexual Abuse: An adult under the age of 18 Using young people and children to satisfy their sexual desires and needs, forcing them into prostitution, and using them as sexual objects in crimes such as pornography.

Emotional Abuse: Children are exposed to negative attitudes and behaviors by those who are responsible for their care, and the attention they need, being deprived of love and care (ignoring, intimidating with harm, isolating, encouraging crime, etc.)

Economic Abuse: Working in jobs that hinder the child's development, violating his or her rights, or working as low-paid labor force, or It can be defined as execution

and divided into types.

Risk Factors: unwanted pregnancy, children under 4 years of age, children with disabilities or chronic diseases, ignorance about child care, parental history of abuse, domestic violence, substance abuse or mental health disorders in the parent.

Protective Factors: A mother or father who gives love, has the strength to cope, can protect the child, and has a strong relationship with a positive adult.

Prevention of Child Abuse

Primary Protection: (before abuse occurs)

Making legal reforms

Society's raising awareness

Educational activities to raise awareness of children

Secondary Protection: (early detection of abuse)

Identification of risk groups

Those at risk consultancy and protective services to individuals

Early detection/diagnosis

Educational activities for professionals such as healthcare workers and teachers

Tertiary Protection: (Rehabilitation of the victim)

Mental health services for affected children and families

Intensive family protection services with trained mental health counselors available to families 24 hours a day for short periods of time

Preventing relapse


Early detection of abuse is the most important stage of this process. Therefore, it is the social responsibility of every individual who witnesses child abuse to report the abuse.

Notification protects the child, helps the family, and is preventive for other children and families. Moreover, suspicion is sufficient to make a notification, it is not necessary to find evidence.

Notification is not an accusation, it is the first step in evaluating and investigating such situations.

Paragraph 1 of Article 6 of ÇKK: He/she is obliged to notify the Protection Agency”.


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