The age of becoming a mother is increasing day by day... With daily hustle and bustle, career concerns, past illnesses, etc., the train can miss. As we always say, the chance decreases significantly over the age of 37. So, what should we do? The number of eggs cannot be increased, there is no such medicine... Then what should we do?
First of all, we need to understand this very well; As a woman ages, the genetic structure of her eggs deteriorates. Even if there are many eggs, because they are genetically problematic, fertilization either does not occur, or they are fertilized but do not adhere, or they adhere but result in miscarriage. For this reason, even if we do in vitro fertilization for older women, we do not have much chance. Our chances decrease significantly, especially at the age of 40 and above.
Why is the success rate of in vitro fertilization low at older ages?
Because, we are advanced women. Due to the genetic problem of the eggs depending on the age. For example, even if we have 10 eggs over the age of 40, at least 7 of them are problematic. There is no egg enhancing drug either. Then, in the in vitro fertilization process, we need to identify and deliver the genetically healthy embryo. The steps of this process are;
We collect the eggs
We perform fertilization by microinjection
The mature We perform a 5-6 cell biopsy from the 5th day embryo
We freeze the embryos
We transfer the healthy ones according to the genetic results.
Failures or miscarriages at older ages are prevented
The time it takes to reach pregnancy is shortened.
Possible problems in the baby (such as Down Syndrome) are prevented...
However, it should not be forgotten that in older age cases It is not easy to find embryos with healthy genetics. In approximately half of the cases where we perform genetic in vitro fertilization, we have to cancel the procedure. Because either the egg comes out or the genetics of the embryos obtained from the eggs are not intact...
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