Tooth extraction, surgical extraction

The process of separating the tooth from its socket, called the socket, in the jawbone is called "tooth extraction" and this process varies depending on the difficulty of tooth extraction.

If the dentist acts carefully and follows the rules, the patient should not feel pain. If the necessary precautions are taken, there is nothing to fear from tooth extraction and the dentist.

Things to Consider After Tooth Extraction;

Do not rinse your mouth with liquid or spit it out

Do not smoke or quit during this period

The cotton pad (sterile gauze) placed on the extraction site should be pressed tightly and bitten for at least half an hour and should be changed in appropriate time periods (approximately 10 hours).

Antibiotics and painkillers can be taken against pain and abscess according to the doctor's prescription. Pain reaches its peak, especially as the numbness passes. This is a normal situation, so it is more beneficial to take painkillers 1 hour before the numbness subsides.

After the bleeding ends, gargling (salt water, medicated gargle) 5-10 times a day accelerates healing.

Surgical Extraction

Surgical extraction is the technique used to extract teeth that cannot be easily seen in the mouth, are broken at the gum line, or are impacted. Abscess and cyst operations, flattening of tubercles, root resection, extraction of wisdom teeth and extraction of impacted teeth are included in surgical extraction.

Although it is a bit more difficult and takes a longer time than normal tooth extraction, if the rules are followed and the physician's advice is taken. With experience, this difficult tooth extraction can be easily overcome, and if the stitches are finally placed, the patient will not have any problems. Antibiotics and painkillers can be taken according to the doctor's prescription.

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