Myths About Eating Disorders and Dieting

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are a condition we hear about frequently in recent years; Until recent years, it was a health problem that was thought to be seen only in adolescent and young women at upper and middle socio-economic levels. However, today, eating behavior disorders seem to affect a wide segment of society. It is known that familial and social pressures, strict rules and behaviors, and social and cultural changes, along with genetic predisposition, play an important role in the development of eating disorders, especially those that begin in childhood and adolescence.

Eating disorders are grouped into 3 groups.

1-Anorexia nervosa

2-Bulimia nervosa

3-Other eating disorders (binge eating: gluttony, night eating syndrome)

Team in the treatment of eating disorders work is very important. Help is required under the supervision of an expert psychologist, psychiatrist, dietitian and doctor when necessary.

Anorexia Nervosa

These individuals are sensitive to food intake, weight and thinness. Although they are generally thin, they refuse food and that they are hungry. It is most common in adolescence. The aim is to change the feelings and thoughts of these people towards food, to enable the individual to reach normal body weight and to maintain this situation for a long time.

Bulimia Nervosa

These individuals are excessively active. These are people who behave inappropriately to prevent weight gain after eating habits. They purge what they eat by vomiting, using laxatives, or enema. They usually express that they want to lose some weight at the beginning of treatment. It is the responsibility of the dietitian to provide scientific nutrition education to patients and to ensure that false beliefs and perceptions related to food and nutrition are erased.

Binge Eating Disorders

Binge Eating Disorders.

Binge Eating Disorders Eating disorder is one of the eating disorders that we dietitians encounter most frequently. The first goal of treatment is to prevent binge eating attacks. In medical nutrition treatment, it is aimed to change wrong eating habits by providing normal nutrition education. Binge eating disorders It should be ensured that the individual develops a self-control mechanism. It is important to support diet therapy with walking exercise lasting at least 20 minutes 3-4 times a week.

As a result, medical nutrition therapy plays a key role in eating disorders. The dietitian responsible for the treatment should individualize the treatment and share the treatment plan, practices and results with other professionals in the team. Individuals with eating disorders should be supported to receive medical nutrition treatment, not diet treatment, and unity should be achieved with other team members on this issue.

Myths About Diet

FALSE: Skipping meals and staying hungry while dieting causes weight loss.

TRUE: One of the biggest mistakes made is losing weight by being hungry and skipping meals. is to work. Physiologically, this is not true. Because in long-term hunger, the metabolism slows down and since not enough food is consumed, the body spends the necessary energy from its muscle storage. Therefore, muscle and fluid loss occurs. At the same time, due to the effect of long-term hunger, the body tries to store every food it eats. The important thing is not muscle and water loss, but the lost weight is lost from fat, and for this, small and frequent feedings are essential. With a nutrition program consisting of snacks and main meals within 3-4 hours, both metabolism accelerates and fat burning occurs.


FALSE: Eating a single type of diet makes you lose weight.

CORRECT: It is the consumption of 4 main food groups (bread and grains, meat and meat group, dairy group, vegetables and fruits) that are healthy for the body. Diets or lifestyles that consume only one type of food disrupt the digestive system and cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The harmful effects of a single type of nutrition include fatigue, headache, hair loss, and in the long run, it causes insufficiency of some nutrients and negatively affects social life.


FALSE. : Nothing should be eaten after 18.00 in the evening.

TRUE: The basic rule for healthy nutrition is how much food is eaten rather than when it is eaten. In a regular diet, a meal that starts with breakfast is followed by a main and snack meal. It is enough to do n and end the meal two hours before going to bed. Nutrition is individual-specific and bedtime may be different for each individual. For an individual who goes to bed at 01:00 at night, not eating anything after 18:00 will have a lowering effect on blood sugar.


FALSE: My metabolism is slow, so I cannot lose weight.

TRUE: Our basal metabolism, the amount of energy we burn while resting, is generally related to age and weight. While the metabolism of overweight people is faster, when we examine the age factor, the metabolism slows down as we get older. And structurally, some people's metabolism may be extremely slow. For example, a poorly functioning thyroid gland reduces energy consumption and resists weight loss, but this does not mean that the person cannot lose weight at all. In this case, it is necessary to either reduce the calories taken a little more or increase the energy expenditure more.


FALSE: No carbohydrates should be consumed to lose weight.

TRUE: Carbohydrates are essential for a balanced diet. At this point, the solution is not to consume nothing at all but to focus on healthy carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are divided into two: simple and complex. It is very important to include complex carbohydrates (whole wheat bread, bulgur pilaf, fruit, legumes, etc.) instead of simple carbohydrates (sugar, desserts, fruit juice, white bread, etc.) in your daily diet. Thus, blood sugar is balanced and a feeling of fullness is achieved.


FALSE: Drinking lemon-vinegar water on an empty stomach in the morning will make you lose weight.

TRUE: No food has scientifically fat-burning properties, but they can accelerate metabolism with the substances they contain. Lemon-vinegar water, which increases stomach acid after a while, can cause stomach sensitivity. When consumed in excess, it may cause diseases such as stomach ulcers and gastritis. Weight loss is only possible with a balanced diet and exercise.

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