Nutrition; It is a conscious behavior to take the nutrients the body needs in appropriate amounts and at appropriate times in order to protect and improve health and increase the quality of life. Daily intake of nutrients supports growth and development throughout life and also helps us protect from chronic diseases. Non-contagious diseases are increasing day by day. The basis of diseases such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes and cancer is attributed to the diet.
Eating habit is a very important parameter that will affect our entire lives. This habit is mostly related to the parental factor until we reach school age. After reaching school age, parental influence decreases and environmental influence begins to dominate. During the school age period, what is important for children is body image and appearance. They are most affected by fashionable trends in this period. Children now begin to feel themselves as individuals and to make their own expenses. Özgür As choices begin to emerge, friends, environment, media and advertising influence children's orientation more than their parents. The foundations of many chronic diseases are laid in childhood, and children who spend most of their childhood in school try to avoid and protect themselves from diseases such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes and cancer. They should enter school age with a healthy foundation. That's why parents need to learn about healthy eating choices and teach their children before they reach school age. Research also confirms these statements, showing that children whose parents do not provide a foundation have unhealthy nutritional tendencies and a significantly higher risk of contracting diseases.
School age is the transition period to adolescence, and development is slower and slower compared to adolescence. It is calmer. During this calmer period, children may refuse healthy foods, but they can consume healthy foods with minor changes that the child does not notice. For example, if you reduce the amount of pasta made and add more colorful vegetables to the sauce, children can consume healthy foods. In addition, make sure to inculcate the habit of having breakfast. Because children who do not have breakfast tend to consume foods with high simple sugar and fat content in the canteen. This increases the risk of diseases such as obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes and carbohydrate addiction to the highest level in the long term. This situation, which is considered just a breakfast habit, can lead to major disasters. Having a breakfast prepared with colorful foods that the children will enjoy or serving the prepared meals with sweet presentations before they go to school will make them happy and provide psychological and physiological satisfaction.
In this period when motor skills continue to develop more noticeably, the duties of parents decrease and school health is gaining importance. Schools; It is an important part of national efforts to prevent chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, coronary heart diseases and cancer. With the training to be provided in schools, children's potential to participate in education and their quality of life will increase. In order to provide a healthy future for children, priority should be given to school-based nutrition education. School-based nutrition education should be provided and continued with the multidisciplinary work of teachers and people trained in the field of health such as doctors, dietitians, nurses.
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