Vegetarian Nutrition

One of the most important nutrition discussions today is "vegetarian nutrition". First of all, can we get your opinions on this subject?

I see vegetarian nutrition as a philosophy and I respect it. In some respects, I can't say I disagree. However, when I look at it from the perspective of a nutritionist, I think that it is a nutritional behavior that requires careful attention and careful planning, and that the process should be approached meticulously.

People who choose a vegetarian diet are either out of concern for a healthy life or because they are fond of animals. He decides on this path because of this. According to your experiences and observations, for what reasons do you think people who adopt a vegetarian diet in Turkey generally choose this path?

As you stated, the primary reasons for adopting a vegetarian diet are the desire and effort to eat a healthy diet and Sensitivity to rights is rising. In addition, studies have shown that with increasing awareness of social and environmental issues, pressure from the immediate environment, religious orientation, the need for self-expression in a certain age group, interest in body weight, relevant websites, magazines, newspapers and cookbooks, vegetarian service. It has been determined that the increase in restaurants serving meat products may lead individuals to vegetarianism.

Can meat proteins be taken from vegetables or legumes, is it an exact replacement?

Absorption rate of meat proteins (protein It is much higher than vegetables or legumes due to the difference in the building block (amino acid) sequence. A person can also try to meet his protein needs from vegetables or legumes. The point to consider here is cooking techniques and including vitamin C source foods, which increase the absorption rate of plant-based proteins, in the same meal. Of course, in addition to this, one of the most important points to consider when giving nutritional advice to a vegetarian individual is knowing what type of vegetarian the person is. Because, although we generally define it as "vegetarian", there are various subgroups of this diet; vegan (they reject all animal meat, animal products, their ingredients and additives), vegetarian vegetarian (they do not consume red meat, poultry and fish, but consume dairy and eggs), semi-vegetarian (they reject red meat, but usually consume fish and/or poultry), lacto-vegetarian (they consume red meat, poultry and They do not consume fish and eggs, but they do consume milk). Therefore, if there is a food of animal origin that the person accepts to consume, it should definitely be included in the nutrition program. Additionally, it should be known that the protein quality of legumes is higher than vegetables. Therefore, legumes should definitely be included in the vegetarian diet.

How can people who adopt a vegetarian diet meet their mineral needs such as iron and zinc?

There is a deficiency in vegetarian individuals. The most important nutrients that can be considered are iron, calcium, zinc, selenium and vitamin B12. The most important move to be taken to protect against this situation is to increase the consumption of plant sources of these nutrients.

Vegetal sources of iron include legumes, enriched cereals, whole grain bread, whole grains and their products, tofu-soy cheese, spinach and green sugar. some dark green leafy vegetables such as beets, seeds, prune juice and dried fruits. The element that most suppresses iron absorption in vegetarian diets is phytate (phosphorus stored in plant cells). Including a food source of vitamin C in the meal where plant-derived iron is taken can increase iron absorption by reducing the effectiveness of phytates. The same applies to organic acids found in fruits and vegetables. Consuming fruits and vegetables by vegetarians and increasing their vitamin C intake may positively affect iron absorption. In addition, certain food preparation and cooking techniques, such as soaking beans and grains before cooking and leavening bread, can increase iron absorption. If food is cooked in iron containers, some of the iron in this container may pass into the food. This situation; This is especially true if the cooked food contains acidic foods such as tomatoes and is slow cooked for a long time (such as soups and stews).

Zinc is necessary for growth, cell repair, energy production and sexual maturation. It is an essential mineral. Lacto-ovo-veg Etarians get enough zinc from consuming milk, cheese, yoghurt and eggs. In fact, most plant-derived foods contain zinc, but it is less abundant than animal-derived foods. Vegetable sources of zinc are legumes, pasta made from whole grain flour, wheat germ, enriched cereals, oilseeds and tofu.

Calcium is the best known bone repairer. In addition, it is a very important mineral for dental, heart, muscle and nervous system health. Adequate amounts of calcium can also be obtained from plant foods. However, food choices should be made carefully. Plant-based foods rich in calcium; calcium-fortified soy and almonds, cashew milk, calcium-fortified tofu, calcium-fortified foods and beverages, cauliflower, cress, brussels sprouts, turnips, kale (a cabbage-like vegetable), mustard greens, bok choy, broccoli, turnip greens , almonds, sesame, kidney beans, sweet potatoes, spinach and chard.

Selenium is a very important mineral for the body's detox system and thyroid gland health. The selenium content of foods varies depending on the selenium content of the soil where the food is grown or the animal is fed. Oilseeds (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, etc.), seeds, soybeans, mushrooms, grains and bananas are vegan sources of selenium.

The only source of vitamin B12 is foods of animal origin. If no food of animal origin is consumed, nutritional support can be planned after looking at the blood findings.

Do you find the vegetarian diet of pregnant or breastfeeding mothers healthy?

Pregnancy and lactation are very special periods in which nutritional requirements increase significantly. Therefore, if a person is very strict about continuing a vegetarian diet, he or she can continue with a very careful and detailed nutrition program. However, it is recommended to take a break from this diet during pregnancy and lactation in order to meet the increasing needs. Likewise, the same applies to periods when growth is at the forefront, such as childhood and adolescence.

What are the elements that need to be paid special attention to in a vegetarian diet?

Particular attention should be paid to What needs to be done, there is a high risk of deficiency Trying to consume good sources of essential nutrients, paying attention to cooking techniques and the quality of the cooking utensil, including a food source of vitamin C in every meal, gaining the habit of reading nutritional labels, checking the levels of minerals or vitamins at risk of deficiency with a blood test every 6 months. to be followed and, if necessary, to receive support under expert supervision.

I wish you a healthy, peaceful and happy autumn…

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