Factors that cause the development of cellulite:
Poor nutrition
Lack of circulation (blood flow)
Weak collagen structure of the skin
Overweight or increased body fat
Hormonal changes
Lack of physical activity (a sedentary lifestyle)
Also hormonal imbalances, high amounts of stress, such as autoimmune disease or diabetes Existing medical conditions, genetics, poor nutrition, allergies, smoking, too much sun exposure, and other toxicity causes can cause skin problems such as cellulite, sagging, or wrinkling.
Published in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology, July 2000. According to a dated research study, cellulite; It may be caused by increased catecholamine levels due to high stress and increased cortisol levels. Things like stress and poor nutrition also cause our bodies to slow down production of collagen, which is a very important substance for keeping skin looking young.
What are the best foods to reduce or prevent cellulite?
Flaxseed. Flax is great for skin health and weight loss because it changes estrogen levels and can increase collagen production. Therefore, it is an effective weapon in the fight against cellulite.
Moisturizing foods. Try to eat more naturally hydrating foods, as dehydration can lead to bloating and dry skin. These include: fresh vegetables and fruits; especially melon, strawberry, cucumber, celery, citrus and fresh herbs... Be careful to eat fruits and vegetables, especially in season.
High fiber foods. These include vegetables, oilseeds such as nuts and almonds, and fruits. Fiber helps cleanse the colon, suppress hunger, support your metabolism and balance hormones. High fiber foods that contain lots of antioxidants, such as dark leafy greens or berries, are also beneficial due to their ability to reduce free radical damage (which ages the skin).
Clean protein sources. High quality protein foods such as grass-fed beef, free-range poultry, pastured eggs, bait fish can boost metabolism and help reduce cellulite.
Foods rich in potassium. Removing excess fluids and waste from cells can help reduce cellulite. Green leafy vegetables, avocado, banana, coconut water are high in potassium.
Healthy fats (EFAs and MCFAs). Coconut and non-farmed fish contain fatty acids that support healthy tissue. You can get these nutrients by consuming 1 tablespoon of coconut oil a day or fish 3 times a week. (or consume 1,000 mg of fish oil per day)
Water. I guess everyone doesn't know that drinking water is really important to reduce cellulite... However, it is worth reminding. Yes! Water keeps the skin moist and helps flush toxic compounds from your body. Cleanse your skin by drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day. Well-moisturized skin will look fresh, less lumpy, dry or aged. I will try to focus on what you have never heard or heard very little about, rather than what you already know because you have read it from the source. Despite all the methods we think we know, I will focus on less known ones since there is still no permanent therapeutic process.
1.Foods containing high doses of vitamin C (red and green peppers)
2.FODMAP you There are many scientific articles about diet (polyols, especially chemicals used as sweeteners, saccharin, aspartame, maltitol, mannitol, stevia, acesulfame, sodium cyclamate) as chemical substances that increase cellulite.
3.Gluten-free diet, wheat, Less cellulite is observed in those who stay away from diets containing barley, rye flour and gluten as additives.
4. Lactose-free diet; Avoiding milk and lactose, especially those containing A1 casein, reduces the risk of cellulite. �r
5.Methylated xanthines; tea and coffee
6. Avoiding tight clothing that reduces subcutaneous lymph flow as much as possible, along with sports and massage, are among the lesser-known anti-cellulite treatments.
I wish you bright and healthy days.
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