Pott's disease simply means spinal tuberculosis. Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease most commonly seen in the lungs. This is why, when people talk about tuberculosis, it is considered as a disease that only affects the lungs. However, it is an infection that can also cause widespread organ involvement. Pott's disease can sometimes be due to a previous tuberculosis, and sometimes it is observed due to diabetes, malnutrition or other diseases that affect the immune system. Spine involvement, namely Pott's disease, is detected in 1% of all tuberculosis patients. Pott's disease most commonly affects the junction point of the spine and the waist.
For its treatment, the combined use of both surgery and anti-tuberculosis drugs and subsequent physical rehabilitation for the treatment of back and waist pain will be required. As for surgical treatment, it is based on the principle of reshaping the spine by removing the involved vertebra and replacing it with titanium cages and screws that serve as the spine. Brain examinations must be performed in the follow-up of Pott's disease. Because, as we mentioned at the beginning, tuberculosis can affect any organ, including the brain. Some pott patients may undergo brain surgery for brain involvement.
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