Aggression, Impulsivity and Suicide

Suicide is a complex behavior caused by many factors. The most well-known risk factors and predictors of suicide include previous suicide attempts, clinical symptoms, and inadequate medical and social support. Besides these, perhaps the most important predictability of suicide is the presence of a psychopathology. 90% of suicide cases are caused by psychiatric diseases, and among the most common diseases are; major depression, substance abuse, Cluster B Personality Disorders (Antisocial PD, Borderline PD, Histrionic PD and Narcissistic PD) and schizophrenia.

Sometimes, even if it does not result in a direct attempt, the idea of ​​suicide is taken into consideration by us experts because a suicide attempt begins with a thought. It should not be perceived as a thought turning into direct behavior or verbal expression, as in our daily lives. A suicidal ideation may lead to action after 5 years. The duration of this is determined by the intensity of the triggering events that transform thought into behavior.

So what can we say about aggression? Aggression in psychology and psychiatry literature; It is considered as any harmful behavior of a person who wants to harm another person. Again, according to the literature, an individual with high aggression may reflect this aggression to the other person physically or verbally. Research shows that the periods when aggression is most evident are situations that are stressful and that the individual does not like/does not really want to be in. And, in such situations, we basically choose 2 different methods of showing aggression. The first of these is reactive aggression, that is, the emotion-laden, difficult to control and impulsive aggression that we reveal in response to the perception of real threat or provocative behavior; In proactive aggression, we reveal controlled behaviors that are not emotionally charged. For example, while reactive aggression is considered as responding verbally or physically to the other party during a fight; In proactive ways, we indirectly reflect this aggression by 'tripping, leaving messages and calls unanswered, getting angry'.

Let's see what we can say about our third term, impulsivity. Impulsivity is actually one of the basic structures of personality because impulse In some cases, it can help protect us from threats. However, situations where impulsivity gets out of control can send us directly into the crucible of threat. The literature actually supports what I say. He says that impulsivity stems from personality structure, and that this is supported by underdeveloped self-control, poor planning ability, excessive curiosity for new and tried complex experiences, having a risk-taking nature, and giving importance to instant gratification rather than postponement.

We can consider aggression and impulsivity in total as the basis of suicidal behavior, or we can make a triple combination between them and put each binary structure on the basis of the other. It might sound a little complicated, right? Namely, an aggressive person is generally highly impulsive because they have poor planning ability and poor self-control. In order to protect himself in a stressful situation or against the perception of a threat, he will either reflect this aggression externally and harm the other person, or he will punish himself by committing suicide by keeping the anger inside.

Epidemiology, clinical, retrospective, prospective and family studies conducted over the years show this. If you have one of the psychiatric disorders listed above, your likelihood of suicide increases. If your serotonin level is not at the expected level, your tendency to suicide may increase. If you have a suicide attempt in your past, it may end up being acted out in the future. If there are Borderline, Schizophrenia, Substance Abuse, Antisocial PD patients (1st Degree relative) in your family and you live in an environment with low socio-economic level and insufficient social support; You may be closer to suicide.

Remember that an uncontrollable thought leads to an easy action; An easy action can sometimes turn into an irreversible end.

Stay healthy, be good to yourself!


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