Deodorants or antiperspirants that people use in their daily routine can cause cancer. The use of deodorant, which is one of the most dangerous risk factors for breast cancer, can be absorbed through the skin and reach the breast tissue. Hisar Intercontinetal Hospital Medical Oncology Department Specialist Dr. Betül Açıkalın gave information about the use of deodorants and antiperspirants.
Cleaning should be done with soap and water instead of deodorant
After adolescence, cleaning the armpit hair and using appropriate deodorant becomes more frequent. It is not appropriate to use deodorant for children who have not reached puberty and are under the age of 16. Mothers should educate their children about deodorants and antiperspirants. During puberty, as the armpit hair grows, the apocrine glands, which make scented secretions under the influence of hormones, also begin to secrete. Starting from this age, the armpit should be washed frequently with soap and the hair should be removed.
The hair should be shaved in a way that does not damage the skin.
The hair can be shortened by initially cutting it with scissors and using methods that will not damage the skin, such as shaving carefully or using a depilatory cream. can be cleaned by other methods. Laser epilation should be done after the age of 18. Long hair can lead to bad odor, the growth of bacteria and the development of some skin diseases.
Be careful of deodorants containing paraben!
Chemical substances such as methyl, ethyl, propyl, benzyl and butyl contained in deodorants are quite dangerous. According to the results of research conducted on breast cancer and the aluminum compounds in antiperspirant cosmetics, paraben, which is one of the most dangerous substances that increase the risk of breast cancer, is mostly found in deodorants and other cosmetics.
Carcinogenic and toxic substances can directly enter the body through capillaries.
/> Some products that we apply directly to our skin can directly enter our body and enter the blood circulation through our capillaries due to their high permeability. If a toxic or carcinogenic If it contains substances, we will be taking these harmful substances into our body. It is necessary to stay away from various toxic chemicals such as methylene chloride, toluene, methyl ethyl ketone, ethylene glycol, which are added especially for scenting purposes.
When choosing a deodorant, be sure to read its content.
The first point to consider is that the deodorant contains deodorizing aluminum. It should not contain any components. If aluminum is absorbed and enters the bloodstream, it accumulates in the body. It is very effective even in contact with the skin. Studies have shown that frequent exposure to toulene has negative effects on reproductive functions. In addition, it has been known for more than 10 years that parabens are among the substances responsible for the development of cancer.
Choose products that contain natural substances!
For deodorants containing chemical substances, the label should be read before purchasing. Products containing natural ingredients such as vegetable glycerin, bioflavonoids and lichen, herbs or herbal extracts, ionized water and distilled water, green tea, aloe vera and baking soda should be preferred.
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