Involuntary and uncontrollable urination impairs the quality of life of the person, restricts the person socially, affects him psychologically, destroys the self-confidence and self-esteem of the person, and imposes an economic burden on the family. Urine leaked up to the age of 5 can be considered normal, but it should be investigated and treated after this age. Since our main subject here is adult urinary incontinence, we will not touch on childhood urinary incontinence.
There are basically 2 main causes of adult urinary incontinence and other reasons that I will mention shortly.
The first reason is coughing, Urinary incontinence caused by increased intra-abdominal pressure such as sneezing, laughing, heavy lifting, climbing stairs and even bending over. This type is called stress urinary incontinence and is associated with the person's physical activity. Vaginal delivery, multiple births, difficult delivery, uterine surgery, menopause, being overweight, long-term constipation or asthma attack, advanced age, smoking and co-morbidities are the factors that predispose to this type of urinary incontinence. In the treatment of this type of urinary incontinence, after the lifestyle adjustments and the application of the above correctable causes, the patient is given pelvic strengthening exercises and vaginal pessaries, but unfortunately, in some cases, they are not successful. type of urine missed. In this type of urinary incontinence, called urge incontinence, the bladder involuntarily contracts before it is full, causing a sudden and irresistible feeling of urination. Cold weather, the sound of water, the consumption of coffee and tea, and psychic emotions can trigger this type of urinary incontinence. In the treatment of this type of urinary incontinence, lifestyle changes are recommended, but drugs that prevent bladder contraction are given. Intra-bladder botulinum toxin application can help us in the treatment to reduce bladder contractions in resistant cases. extreme
Understanding the patient's history and examination, supporting the diagnosis with laboratory tests and imaging methods, if necessary, and interpreting tests such as urodynamic examination are very important for accurate diagnosis and treatment. It is important.
Remember, urinary incontinence is a preventable condition, not destiny, old age or a natural process!!!
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