Kefir, which is considered the secret of youth of the Caucasus and the elixir of long and healthy life, is also the number one shield of the immune system, which declines during the winter months.
Thanks to the probiotics it contains, that is, "friendly bacteria", Kefir, which helps strengthen the immune system, is obtained by fermenting milk with kefir grains. Kefir yeast consists of grains that are whitish in color, resembling cauliflower, and generally the size of peas or hazelnuts.
Kefir, which has its origins in the communities living in the Caucasus Mountains and is consumed in many countries of the world today, is simply fermented milk. In some sources, it is stated that the name "kefir" is derived from the Turkish word "keyif". Kefir can be prepared from cow, sheep and goat milk. It tastes slightly sour because it goes through the fermentation process. Its difference from milk is that it contains more bacteria than milk, which are called "good" bacteria that help digestion, and provides bowel movement in a short time. It is also a drink rich in many vitamins and minerals that are known to contribute to general health.
- What are the Benefits of Kefir?
Kefir, which is rich in bacteria (lactobacilli) that aid digestion, is an ideal drink for those with digestive problems, constipation and indigestion. Its difference from milk is that it contains more probiotics and can be consumed by those with lactose intolerance. It strengthens the immune system, helps clear bacteria and microbes present in the digestive system, kills the bacteria called "helicobacter pylori" that causes stomach ulcers, and has antibiotic properties. Vitamins B12, B1, biotin and K found in kefir contribute to general health. With its high calcium and magnesium content, it protects bone health and helps prevent bone loss.
- Kefir and the Immune System
Some of the ingredients found in kefir The components play an important role in regulating the immune system. Therefore, it is good for various allergies caused by immune system problems and prevents inflammation in general. Made� Studies have found that the bacteria found in kefir suppress the production of "IgE", which causes allergic reactions in the body.
According to another study on the benefits of kefir, consuming kefir regularly prevents the development of tumors and With this feature, it is shown among the foods that can be used to stop the progression of cancer.
- Nutritional Value of Kefir
1 glass of kefir is approximately 150 calories and It contains 8 grams of fat, 30 grams of cholesterol and 12 grams of carbohydrates. 1 glass of kefir, which is very rich in protein, contains 8-11 grams of protein. By drinking 1 glass of kefir, you can get 10% of your daily vitamin A needs, 30% of your calcium needs and 4% of your vitamin C needs. The same amount of kefir contains 125 mg sodium, 350 mg potassium and 4 grams of sugar.
- What is the Difference Between Kefir and Yogurt?
Kefir and yoghurt, both prepared with fermented milk, are similar in appearance. The difference between the two products is that one helps probiotic production and the other is probiotic itself. In other words, while yoghurt contributes to probiotic production with the components it contains, kefir directly contains these microorganisms. With this feature, it offers a faster solution to digestive problems. In addition to the “good bacteria” bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, kefir contains bacteria such as lactobacillus caucasus, leuconostoc, acetobacter and streptococcus.
- How should we consume it?
You can easily drink a glass of kefir a day, which has protective properties against many diseases, especially cancer. You can ferment it from yeast at home, or you can also choose the plain types sold in markets. If the sour taste bothers you, you can easily consume it by blending it with a fruit you like and 1 teaspoon of vanilla. You can even make your breakfast by adding 4 tablespoons of oats and 10 almonds to this mixture. This mixture can also be a good sahur meal alternative, especially during Ramadan.
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