The month of Ramadan coincides with spring and summer this year. The month of Ramadan, which we will start by fasting for more than 16 hours at first, will end by fasting for approximately 18 hours. When the length of the fasting period, the reduction in the number of meals to 2, excessive consumption of pastries and desserts, and inactivity after meals are added to this, weight gain may be inevitable. Especially the consumption of red meat, delicatessen products, bread, rice, pasta, pastries, desserts and pastries increases; On the other hand, the consumption of vegetables, fruits and white meat decreases.
Since the number of meals decreases to two during Ramadan, sahur must be made.
Since the hunger that occurs with a long fasting period increases the appetite and satiety threshold, much more food is eaten than normal. In order to prevent these hunger crises, sahur should be made as a light breakfast, avoiding heavy foods.
Drink plenty of water during sahur, and excessive fat and salty foods should not be consumed. You should not go to bed immediately after eating, but should go to bed at least half an hour later. Milk containing protein should be drunk; Foods such as yoghurt, cheese and eggs should be eaten. Eggs should be consumed especially because they keep you full for a long time; It should be preferred as boiled, omelette or menemen.
The most important issue while fasting is to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance. With increased fluid requirements and long-term fasting in the summer months, the body becomes insufficient in terms of water. That's why you should drink plenty of water between iftar and sahur.
1)The time between iftar and sahur At least three meals should be consumed during the period. If you take a break for at least 15-20 minutes after the iftar meal, which starts with a bowl of soup, and then consumes the main meal, you will not experience stomach problems such as indigestion or bloating. A small snack should be eaten approximately 1.5 hours after the main meal.
2) Foods that will raise blood sugar in a balanced manner, not suddenly, should be preferred at the iftar meal. For example, instead of making high glycemic index choices such as rice pilaf and white bread; Make healthy choices like bulgur pilaf, whole grain bread or whole wheat pasta
3) Instead of frying, foods prepared by grilling, boiling, steaming and baking should be preferred.
4) Lighter and healthier choices should be made instead of heavy sherbet desserts. Milk dessert, Güllaç, fruit desserts or ice cream are lighter options that can satisfy your sweet need.
5) Instead of eating fast, eat slowly and chew thoroughly.
6 )To avoid constipation problems, consume high-fibre foods (such as vegetables, grains, legumes, fruits).
7) Be careful about consuming foods containing high salt. These foods may increase thirst during fasting.
8)Try to walk after iftar.
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