What is MCV? MCV Blood Assay

When applying to health institutions for various health problems encountered in daily life, different imaging or laboratory tests are often used to confirm the diagnosis before treatment planning.

What is MCV?

In clinical practice, it is frequently evaluated. At the beginning of blood tests, complete blood count or hemogram comes. complete blood count; It includes the cellular elements in our blood and a large number of parameters from which various properties of these elements are calculated. One of these parameters is the MCV value. Since the meanings of the abbreviated expressions in the test are not specified, and it is not clear what MCV means exactly, the patients asked “What is the MCV value in the blood?” Question marks such as ?","What is hematology MCV?", "What is blood test MCV?" may occur. Since it is necessary for the person to have adequate and accurate information about his/her health status, to protect and develop his/her health, sufficient information about the data in the analyzes may occur.
MCV is the abbreviation of "mean corpuscular volume" meaning "mean cellular volume" in English. Basically, there are three main cell classes in our blood, namely red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Each of these cells has different functions and vital importance for the body.In complete blood count, various features of these cells are examined in order to evaluate them functionally. amount. By calculating the size of red blood cells with the MCV value, valuable data are obtained in terms of various diseases.
Standard hematological examination; It is based on the examination of the blood sample under the microscope. In this method, called peripheral smear, the expert examines the cells subjectively in terms of size, density, shape and color characteristics. Today, these features are evaluated objectively in the light of numerical data with the help of automatic devices and presented in the form of parameters obtained in the examination. In MCV, red blood cells

What is the Normal MCV Value?

The MCV value in the blood in healthy people is between 80 – 100 fl. Accordingly, those with an MCV value below 80 are considered to have microcytosis (shrinkage of cells), and those with a MCV value above 100 are considered to have macrocytosis (growth of cells). When the MCV value is within the normal range, this condition is called normocytosis. According to these values, important information about the diseases in the person is obtained.

What is Low MCV?

When the MCV value is calculated below 80 in the complete blood count studied, the presence of various diseases is suspected along with other findings in the person. . The following conditions lead to a decrease in the MCV value:
