Nutrition During Childhood

Nutrition is to buy and use foods that will provide sufficient amounts of energy and nutrients required for growth, development, healthy and productive living for a long time, in the most economical way, without losing their nutritional value or becoming harmful to health. Nutrition begins in the womb and changes depending on physiological needs and physical condition during periods such as infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. Babies and children are the groups that suffer the most from nutritional deficiency because they are in constant growth and development. Growth and development are developments in the size and working order of organs towards adulthood. Nutrition is one of the main factors in human development and one that affects life the most. For this reason, nutrition is an issue that should be emphasized during childhood.

Nutrition during childhood may be under the influence of various factors. If we divide the general childhood period into two groups; The preschool period between the ages of 3-5 is known as the school age period between the ages of 6-12. During these two periods, children may be under the influence of many different factors.

The purpose of nutrition in the preschool period; Ensuring optimal growth and development with sufficient nutritional diversity. In this period when the growth rate is slow and motor development occurs rapidly, the goal should be to plan meal patterns, develop eating behavior and acquire positive eating habits throughout life. Adequate and balanced nutrition directly affects the physical, emotional and mental life of the child during the period when people are trying to take a step into life. A permanent foundation can be created for future life with healthy eating habits gained during this period. Preschool children begin to have symptoms and definite attitudes towards foods; They stop paying attention to food and are more interested in what's going on around them. Since the child begins life by imitating the people around him, the child's family environment and life style are very important at this age. This process is a difficult but temporary period in which food choices are excessive for the child and for the family. Among the food groups, they like vegetables less, do not like to consume mixed foods, and want to see foods in a way that they can recognize. Tell the child immediately All kinds of food should be offered, no food should be given routinely, and some behaviors in which the child refuses food should be allowed. Behaviors such as arguing at the family table, warning the child at the table, punishing him, and comparing him with other children may cause the child to refuse food. Reluctance and fluctuations in appetite are also reflected in behavior. According to many studies, families receiving nutrition education during the preschool period directly affects the health of the child. In addition, during this period, nutrition remains under psychological effects and some children refuse to be fed to attract attention. During this period, whether the child is adequately nourished or not is checked by measuring height and weight at regular intervals.

The nutrition program for school children has two purposes; To teach the child at the age of learning basic nutritional information and the relationship between nutrition and health, to provide adequate and balanced nutrition habits in order to be healthy, and to ensure that the school child receives adequate and balanced nutrition by using the available resources. During this period, while the influence of the family decreases in food selection, the influence of the environment begins to gain importance. The most important feature of school-age children is that their appearance becomes more important and it directly affects their eating habits. It is the period that is most affected by fashion trends. When the child starts school and is influenced by the external environment, spending money, making food choices and purchasing on his own begin. Media, advertisements, circle of friends and family are effective in spending the child's money. During this period, the family may be inadequate and teacher guidance in schools also becomes important. In addition, including topics about healthy nutrition in education programs will have a positive impact on children's nutrition. In this regard, the state, pre-school education, primary and secondary education institutions have important duties.

One of the important factors in nutrition is income level. The most sensitive group affected by poverty in society is children. Various forms of nutritional deficiency are observed in children of poor families, including clinical malnutrition, deterioration in anthropometric criteria, and deficiency of micronutrients as a result of insufficient consumption of nutrients. is. In addition, in order to eat healthy, it is not necessary to be rich, but to be an informed, educated and smart consumer. We need to consciously and selectively eat at least foods that are low in calories and fat. The habit of cooking and eating at home should not be lost. It should not be forgotten that cancer, heart and other diseases increase in societies where the rate of fatty and fast food type nutrition increases, and children should be made aware of these issues.

Basic Principles of Child Nutrition

Sufficient nutrition is evaluated by the child's growth and development appropriate to his age. Nutrients such as protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals necessary for an adequate and balanced diet are provided by food. The amounts and types of nutrients contained in each food are different. For example; Fresh vegetables and fruits are high in water and low in protein; Legumes contain less water and more protein. For this reason, foods are grouped under four main groups in terms of their nutritional values.

Milk and dairy products: This group of foods; Containing vitamins and minerals necessary for bone-teeth development, nervous system and regular functioning of muscles; Milk, yoghurt, buttermilk, cheese, milk powder, cottage cheese, ice cream, milk desserts and other foods made with milk or yoghurt. Milk and its derivatives are the best source of calcium and phosphorus. Preschool children can meet their calcium needs by consuming foods in this group. The preschool child's diet should include 2-3 portions of this group per day. Excessive amounts of milk may prevent the child from eating other necessary nutrients, so children should not be forced to drink more milk than recommended.

Meat, eggs, legumes: The most important feature of the foods in this group is their physical properties. and protein sources, which are very important for mental growth and development. Most of the protein needs of a preschool child can be met from foods in this group. Eggs are an exemplary source of protein and should definitely be included in children's nutrition. Meats to be fed by preschool children; Depending on the child's age, dental structure and personal taste, it can be fed by crushing it, making meatballs, boiling it, or adding it to vegetable dishes and soups.

Vegetables and fruits: Vegetables and fruits are sources of vitamins and minerals. It has an important role in the functioning of our body, from increasing body resistance to the digestive system. Fruits quench thirst with their water content and help the intestines function due to the cellulose they contain. Dried fruits have high energy value and are rich in minerals, especially iron. Vegetables and fruits are low in protein but are a good source of vitamins C, A, K, E and most B vitamins. It is sufficient for 5-6 year old children to consume 2 portions of fruit and 3 portions of vegetables daily. Depending on the child's age and wishes, some of it can be given in the form of fruit juice or paste.

Cereals: Cereals, which are our basic energy source, and foods made from them. Foods in this group generally meet the need for carbohydrates, fiber and B group vitamins. Although grains are of low quality, they are an important source of protein. For preschool children, 6 portions are sufficient in the daily diet. Grains and their derivatives are rich in starch, which is both the cheapest and provides long-term energy, and for this reason, 70-80% of the daily calories per person and preschool children in our country can be obtained from grains.

Today, the development levels of countries; A more important parameter than indicators such as the commercial capacity of that country, the amount of income per capita and average life expectancy is the nutrition of children. For healthy generations, importance should be given to children gaining healthy eating habits.


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