FRESH CHEESE AND UNPASTEURIZED MILK: Unpasteurized milk and soft cheeses prepared with it may contain Listeria and Brucella bacteria that threaten the life of you and your baby.
RAW - UNDERCOOKED MEAT. : Raw or undercooked meat can harbor toxoplasma and other bacteria. When cooking outside, make sure your meat is hot and thoroughly cooked. Avoid eating raw meatballs.
FRESH SQUEECHED FRUIT JUICE: Freshly squeezed juice in restaurants and juice bars is unpasteurized and may contain harmful bacteria, including salmonella and E. coli. Pregnant women should prefer pasteurized canned or bottled fruit juice. It is best to squeeze it yourself at home.
SUSHI: Although seafood is a great source of protein, raw seafood can be a source of harmful parasites and bacteria. FDA (Food Drug Association) recommends that pregnant women eat only cooked fish and other seafood.
RAW - UNDERCOOKED EGGS: Undercooked eggs cause various intestinal infections during pregnancy through bacteria called salmonella. gives. These types of bacteria cause diseases that result in diarrhea. Uncooked cake-cookie dough is equally risky.
FISH CONTAINING MERCURY: Fish is healthy and necessary for you and your baby, but make smart choices about the fish you eat. Swordfish, whalefish, king mackerel and shark contain high levels of mercury. . This metal can be harmful to your baby. You can safely eat up to 350 grams of seafood a week. Choose fish that are low in mercury: sardines, whitefish, trout, mackerel, catfish, salmon, cod and canned light tuna. If you like tuna (white) tuna, limit it to 170 grams per week. Consult your doctor before taking fish oil or other supplements while pregnant.
DELI MEATS: Unlike many foodborne germs, Listeria can thrive at the temperatures inside your refrigerator. Therefore, you should avoid perishable, ready-to-eat meats such as salami and sausages when you are pregnant. By heating these foods until they are steamed hot and You can make it safe by eating it immediately.
UNWASHED VEGETABLES AND FRUIT: Make sure to rinse the vegetables and fruits thoroughly under running water. A parasite called toxoplasma can live in unwashed fruits and vegetables and causes a disease called toxoplasmosis, which can be very dangerous for your baby. Do not use soap to wash the product. Instead, you can scrub the surface with a small vegetable brush. Cut away any bruised areas, as these can harbor bacteria.
SMOKED SEAFOOD: Chilled smoked seafood, like raw deli meats, are also vulnerable to Listeria. In addition to smoked salmon, this includes smoked trout, whitefish, cod, tuna and mackerel.
RAW SHELLS: Raw shellfish is a leading cause of disease in seafood. . These products contain parasites and bacteria that are not usually found in cooked seafood. Shellfish is safe to eat during pregnancy as long as it is thoroughly cooked. Oysters and mussels should be cooked until the shells open. However, it is not recommended to eat mussels during pregnancy due to their high mercury content.
BUFFET MEALS: If the food has been out for a very long time, it may be a cause for concern. Follow the 2-hour rules: Do not eat food that has been left at room temperature for more than 2 hours. When temperatures are above 32 degrees, this period should be 1 hour.
CAFFEINE: Studies show that moderate amounts of caffeine are safe during pregnancy. However, it is still unclear whether high amounts of caffeine increases the likelihood of miscarriage. It is recommended that pregnant women limit caffeine to 200 mg (350 ml of coffee) per day. But remember, caffeine is also found in cola, tea, chocolate and many energy drinks.
ALCOHOL: It is already known that heavy drinking during pregnancy can cause serious birth defects. What you may not know is that even small amounts of alcohol can be harmful. Since it has not been determined what amount of drinking is safe during pregnancy, it is best not to consume any products that contain alcohol.
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