Rheumatism is a disease in which the body's immune system cells get out of control for some reasons and damage their own tissue. Acute Rheumatic Fever, Eczema, Asthma, Psoriasis, Behçet's disease, Rheumatoid arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Lupus are rheumatic diseases that occur with the same logic. Rheumatism is affected by many reasons such as environmental, psychological and nutritional factors, especially genetic factors. Depending on the type of rheumatism, different genders, regions or organs are targeted. While Behçet's disease targets the vessels and skin, acute rheumatic fever affects the joints and heart. It is still not fully explained why immune system cells get out of control. New insights suggest that impaired intestinal permeability underlies rheumatic diseases. There is also evidence that mistakes made regarding hygiene negatively affect the development of natural immunity. As a result, a complex war breaks out when food particles, toxins or microbes that pass through the intestinal wall, where the body's best warriors are, encounter the warriors inside who do not know how to fight very well. Some parts of our body that belong to us are also seen as enemies and are damaged. In this case, rheumatism occurs. Findings that vary depending on the type of rheumatism sometimes occur in the skin, sometimes in the joints, and sometimes in the internal organs. Usually, redness, increased temperature and intense pain in the joints develop first. If not treated during this period, the damage will become permanent. Subsequent treatments cannot restore the tissue. The people we see around us with deformities in their hands or spine are usually rheumatism patients who were not treated in time. Similar permanent problems may occur in internal organs as well as in joints. Heart, kidney and lung failures may occur due to rheumatism. Although suppressing immune cells is the main treatment method in rheumatism treatment, especially in the initial stages, it seems more rational to repair the intestines and direct the immune system to behave correctly. Nowadays, treatments such as fecal transplantation have started for this purpose, but due to the scarcity and difficulty of cases, the evaluation of effects and side effects is still not complete.
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