The Importance of Probiotics in Athletes

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) define probiotics as live microorganisms that have beneficial effects on the health of the host when consumed in sufficient amounts.

In order for a microorganism to be selected as a probiotic:

  • It should be a type of microorganism naturally found in the intestinal microbiota of a healthy person.

  • It should not be pathogenic.

  • It should not be cariogenic.

  • There should be no transferable antibiotic resistance.

  • It should be tolerant to acid and bile.

  • They must be able to withstand technological processes and be viable over a long shelf life.

  • They must be able to produce antimicrobial substances against potential pathogens.

  • It must be genetically stable.

  • Human benefits must be clinically proven.

  • The intestines play an important role in establishing hemostatic balance in the body. It has been clearly demonstrated in studies that the intestinal microbiota hosts millions of living microorganisms that are responsible for performing important functions such as growth, nutrition, digestion, immune regulation, neuroendocrine stimulators, and maintaining intestinal homeostasis. The effects of probiotic bacteria on health and performance are widely researched.

    It is reported in the literature that probiotic supplements increase the endurance performance of athletes by stimulating the proliferation of specific microbiota bacterial species such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus, improve immunity, reduce oxidative stress, and reduce exercise-induced clinical symptoms.

    The use of probiotics as a nutritional supplement to reduce susceptibility to common ailments, especially upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) and gastrointestinal tract (GIS) diseases, is becoming increasingly popular today. For athletes, reducing the occurrence of these diseases is very important for their sports performance. URI and GI diseases, especially diarrhea, are common in athletes during heavy training and competitions. It is known that the frequency of death has increased considerably. The idea that acute suppression of the immune system as a result of heavy and long training/races provides a window of opportunity for microorganisms to cause infection is prominent in the literature. This situation is called the open window theorem. It is thought that the increased susceptibility of athletes to URTI is related to the irregularity in the immune system after acute exercise and the chronic suppression of immune factors due to intense exercise performed at frequent intervals. Disorders that develop during heavy training or competitions can have negative consequences on sports performance. Probiotics can be used as a nutritional strategy to reduce or prevent such disorders that affect performance.

    The roles of the microbiota in regulating energy metabolism

    It is known that intestinal bacteria affect the individual's ability to use the energy he receives from the diet. The processes by which intestinal microorganisms affect energy metabolism are the processing of indigestible fiber, the production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), the production of vitamins and secondary bile acids; It also includes changing lipid metabolism. Plant polysaccharides, among complex carbohydrates, are fermented in the colon by intestinal microorganisms and converted into short-chain fatty acids, and can also be used as an energy source by other microorganisms. The type and amount of short-chain fatty acids affect the composition of the intestinal microbiota. According to the literature, the most important factors determining >40-minute exercise performance are; various sports nutrition strategies aimed at increasing the availability of carbohydrates or fat oxidation capacity and the availability of oxidative substrates for muscle. Carbohydrate fermentation may increase with exercise as a result of improving the microbiota and improving fermentation capacity. On the other hand, intestinal microorganisms are involved in the synthesis of several amino acids, including leucine, isoleucine and valine, which are branched-chain amino acids that are important in skeletal muscle protein synthesis. Therefore, the increase in circulating branched chain amino acids It is seen in the literature that the intestinal microbiota has a potential role in minimizing muscle loss as a result of � and it should not be forgotten.

    Control of the microbiota in oxidative stress

    The gastrointestinal system is affected by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and side effects of normal cellular metabolism. It is an important source of nitrogen oxide species (RONS), which are its products. Additionally, excessive exercise increases the production of nitrogen oxide species (RONS) by causing oxidations that damage lipid and protein molecules as well as Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid (DNA). The antioxidant enzyme system helps protect the organism against oxidative damage caused by intense exercise. Antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase (GPx), catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) play an important role in preventing oxidative stress in vivo. Superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase serve to eliminate primary products of partially reduced oxygen, oxidative stress and damage occur when antioxidant defense mechanisms cannot effectively eliminate endogenous or exogenous sources of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Enhanced antioxidant enzyme activity can prolong exercise performance and reduce physical fatigue. However, during intense exercise, the activity of antioxidant enzymes such as Superoxide dismutase, catalase and Glutathione peroxidase is weakened. Subsequently, the production of catecholamines, which can increase oxidative stress and thus reduce final performance and undergo autooxidation, also increases. It is aimed to strengthen the antioxidant defense system by providing nutritional supplements to eliminate the harmful effects of exercise-induced oxidative damage. Considering that the intestinal mucosa is a target for various oxidants that can cause diseases; Considering its modulating effects on antioxidant enzyme activity and the ability of antioxidant enzymes to enhance recovery after excessive exercise or high-volume training, it appears in the literature that gut microbiota has significant effects on exercise performance.

    Gut microbialphenotype disease status, including lifestyle behaviors. It is determined by the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. As a result of studies conducted in recent years, regular probiotic use affects the intestinal microbiota. There is evidence in the literature that it can change the population and improve immune function. Studies show that regular probiotic consumption in people who exercise can change the intestinal microbiota and structure and improve immune system functions.

    The use of probiotic supplements, alone or in combination with other protective substances such as prebiotics, increases the incidence of acute infectious diarrhea and URTI in the general population. There is increasing evidence that it reduces the duration and severity of In recent years, many studies investigating probiotic supplements and their effects on immune function in athletes have been published in the literature. The sample on which these studies focused was endurance athletes; Although probiotic strains, concentrations and application methods vary, studies show that they generally have beneficial effects.


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