Is It a Game of Our Minds?

Even though they do not receive a psychiatric diagnosis, many people experience problems due to their obsessions. It can range from mild to life-disrupting, making life difficult not only for the person living but also for those around them. In fact, it is a game the human mind plays with itself, it feels real and frantic efforts are made to prevent it from happening. Your obsessions, which manifest themselves in different ways, often require treatment.

Which is normal, which is obsession?
In daily life, "What if…?" "What if…?" "Did I do…?" "…… Questions like "Was it?" have probably been going around in your mind many times. Sometimes, scenes that disturb you appear before your eyes. Well; When we say obsession, we should understand not only thoughts but also 'images' or 'unstoppable desires or impulses'.
The fact that a thought constantly disturbs you, you cannot stop yourself from thinking about it, you cannot focus on what you need to do, or the people around you are disturbed by your situation. It shows that it has become an obsession.

It can reach dimensions that turn your life upside down!
You may have different obsessions such as cleanliness, order, symmetry, sexuality, religion, catching a disease, causing harm, and being unsure. From time to time, in order to cope with these obsessions, you develop methods such as trying not to think, distracting yourself, bringing another thought to mind, washing your hands, asking, getting confirmation, checking, and refraining from doing certain things. The greater your control efforts, the more unbearable your life has become, and the severity of the situation is measured by the changes it creates in your life rather than the content of your obsessions.
Let's imagine a person who has obsessions about harming the other person. These thoughts constantly occupy his mind, images of harming his child come to his mind, he cannot stop himself from these thoughts, he takes some precautions to reduce the distress he experiences and to eliminate a possible situation, for example; He collects all the knives in the house and tries not to think about it... Haya What do you think? Distressed, fearful, life-limited, thoughts like "How can I think these things?" and UNHAPPINESS...

Actually, similar thoughts go through everyone's mind..
The difference is that it takes this situation to serious levels. The difference between those who carry it and those who do not is hidden in the meaning and importance given to these thoughts. Pay attention, are you dealing more with the things in life that are important to you, or with the things that are less important to you? Be sure that a thought that comes to your mind and contradicts your values ​​and personality will disturb you much more. You will envisage even the smallest possibility, feel responsible for the possible outcomes, and try to act accordingly by PERCEIVING the thought that comes to your mind AS if it were REAL.
Early recognition and treatment increases your quality of life..
It is a priority in treatment. It is about defining your experiences and determining to what extent they affect your life. Because sometimes the person experiencing the distress does not realize the seriousness of the situation and the situation. Besides, the situation may not be as serious as you think. A 'psychiatric interview' with a specialist will allow you to better understand what you are experiencing, take some precautions and start your treatment if necessary, and will help increase your quality of life.

A Highly Effective Method in Treatment: 'Cognitive Behavioral Therapy'< br /> There are very effective methods of treatment OTHER THAN MEDICATIONS. COGNITIVE BEHAVIOR THERAPY is a treatment method that is widely used all over the world and its effectiveness has been demonstrated by hundreds of clinical studies. It is used in the treatment of many psychological problems and disorders, especially obsessions, and provides the person with skills that he can use again and again when faced with similar situations.


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