Growth and Development Tracking

The baby should be monitored by a pediatrician at regular intervals from birth until the end of adolescence, when development is almost complete.

This process is called Growth and Development Follow-up.

Children have some different characteristics than adults. The most important difference between children and adults is that they are constantly growing and developing. This development process begins to be followed by the Gynecologist while the baby is in the womb and continues from the birth of the child until the completion of adolescence. Of course, from the moment the baby is born until he turns 18, he is evaluated by a physician who is experienced in his field, has a correct approach towards children, and is a reliable pediatrician.

The goal in this follow-up is to protect the health of the child being followed, Supporting development, preventing preventable diseases and therefore treating them early.

The child health and diseases specialist performs a systemic examination of the child in each examination. Evaluates physical characteristics.

In addition, cognitive and social aspects are also checked.

Growth is defined by the increase in the child's physical characteristics.

Development refers to mental, motor and psychological maturation. .

Just as growth rates may be different at different age stages of childhood, certain changes in development may occur specific to each age.

In other words, growth and development monitoring is vital for the early diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. It is important.

During the examination performed by a child health and disease specialist, body weight, that is, weight, height, and head circumference measurements are routinely repeated and evaluated according to growth (percentile) curves to monitor growth.

Babies should be checked once a week within the first 30 days after birth, following their first examination. Afterwards, it should be seen by a specialist once a month for the first 6 months.

Between 6-24 months, once every 3 months.

Between 2-4 years of age, at least once every 6 months

After the age of 4, growth and development should be monitored once a year.


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