Do cysts turn into cancer?
These structures, called cysts in medical language; They are fluid-containing sacs surrounded by tissue, which can be benign or malignant and can occur in different parts of the body. The cyst is surrounded by a membrane called the cyst wall.
We can divide ovarian cysts, which are a nightmare for women, into two classes: physiological (not requiring surgery) and pathological (requiring surgery).
Therefore, considering the possibility that all cysts may be malignant, relevant research should be carried out. Treatment is planned after the necessary research is done.
Women's ovaries are a part of the reproductive system located in the lower part of the abdomen on both sides of the uterus. Ovarian kits are the most common reason; It is a hormonal irregularity.
Ovarian cysts are frequently encountered in women with regular menstruation. Because small-sized cyst formations may occur naturally as part of the menstrual cycle.
Ovarian cysts often do not cause any symptoms and very rarely cause pain and bleeding. it could be. The size of the cysts can be as small as a walnut or larger than an orange.
Types of ovarian cysts:
1- Physiological ovarian cysts (cysts that do not require surgery)
a- follicle cysts
bluteal Ovarian cysts
2- Pathological ovarian cysts: (cysts requiring surgery)
** This type of ovarian cysts are benign ( It can be benign) or malignant. It is popularly known as chocolate cyst because the color of the accumulated blood residue changes from red to brown or black over time. It occurs due to the accumulation of this old blood in the ovarian tissue.
b- Dermoid cyst (teratoma):
Called mature cystic teratema Dermoid cysts are cells of fat, hair, skin, bone and teeth that are not normally found in the ovarian tissue. Contains texture. It is the most common ovarian cyst in women under the age of 30.
The development of malignant tumor (cancer) from dermoid cysts is very rare. However, when this risk is rarely seen, the recommended treatment is the removal of these cysts.
Dermoid cysts are formed from some remnants in the ovaries from birth while in the womb.
>c- Fibromas: They are benign connective tissue tumors.
They are solid and hard masses in the form of nodules in the ovary. Since it can be confused with ovarian cancer in ultrasonography and during surgery, it is appropriate to remove it by surgery.
d- Cystadenoma: Cystodenomas, unlike physiological cysts of the ovary, have the potential for malignant transformation. Cystadenomas are usually larger in diameter. It varies between 5 and 15 cm on average. Cystadenomas are caused by the abnormal proliferation of some cells in the ovary.
e- Cysts suspected of cancer: Due to ultrasonography findings, these cysts, which have more hard (solid) parts than liquid parts, are likely to be malignant. An operation is required.
In addition, the piece removed during the operation is evaluated by the pathologist. If the result is benign, the operation is terminated, but if the result is malignant, cancer surgery is performed.
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