Substances that create a special mental state by changing a person's thought and perception system are called psychoactive substances. Although many other substances were used to alter the mental state perceptually and intellectually in ancient times, alcohol is the most popular psychoactive substance known. Alcohol is also a psychoactive substance that can be legitimately accessed and taken in many countries. Today, substance use disorder is a very serious problem due to the ease of access to substances and the use of many substances as drugs at the same time. Drug use disorder is a serious problem in all social layers.
What does heavy alcohol drinker mean?
Excessive intake of alcohol several times a month (intoxication)
Some statistics on alcohol young alcohol users are more educated and live in urban centers around the world
Some of those who drink alcohol also have other substance use disorders.
The chance of hospitalization and surgical operation in alcohol users is higher than in other populations
Alcoholism in men is five times higher than in women. Those at risk of alcoholism generally start drinking at the age of 16-38, and alcoholism is the third cause of death in developed countries. Psychiatric disorders, especially related to alcoholism, are anxiety disorder, antisocial personality disorder and mood disorders. Two types of alcoholism have been defined.
Type I alcoholism
Starts at an early age, follows a gradually increasing course of consumption, self-blame, constant sadness, addiction and introversion personality traits It shows a better response to treatment than type II alcoholism. It constitutes seventy-five percent of the cases of alcoholism.
Type II alcoholism starts drinking alcohol at an early age. He has impulsive (impulsive) attention deficit and scattered restless antisocial personality traits. He has a family history of alcohol consumption. It is male. Compliance and response to treatment is low. Alcoholism accounts for twenty-five percent of cases.
Many alcohol users do not give accurate data. Frequency and usage is within normal limits. alcohol active He says that he is sober while he is at it, so the treatment side should be careful. Mental examination should be done carefully.
Do you feel you need to stop drinking
Do you get angry at criticism about quitting drinking
p>Do you feel guilty after drinking
When you wake up in the morning, do you have anxiety if I can't find a medicine dispenser
Another diagnostic method is the determination of alcohol concentration in the blood. 150 mg /dl, the other is a sign of intoxication.
Increased HDL
Increased Lactate Dehydrogenase
LDL cholesterol reduction
BUN decreases.
Red blood cell volume decreases.
Uric acid level increases
GGT increases.
G aspartate and alanine aminotransferase increase.
Acne rosea (enlarged and reddened nose)
Palmar erythema (circulation in alcoholic persons) It develops depending on the level of estrogen.
Fatty liver can be defined as a painless liver enlargement as a result of the accumulation of fat in the liver tissue.It is the early stage of alcoholic liver disease.
∙ Unexplained and unexpected bodily infections and especially lung infections
∙ Unexplained bodily bruises.
∙ Clumsiness
∙ blaming other drivers (regression in driving skills)
∙ Testicular atrophy
∙ Gynecomastia.
∙ sp;Dupuytren's contracture
∙ At this stage, employment and marital problems occur.
∙ Psychosocial consequences of alcohol
Effects on the digestive system
∙ esophageal bleeding
∙ p>
∙ Absorption disorder in the digestive system
∙ Pancreatitis
∙ liver disease fatty liver alcoholic hepatitis cirrhosis
∙ Malnutrition
∙ Vitamin B deficiency
>∙ Cortical atrophy ventricular dilatation
∙ Alcohol-induced dementia dementia
∙ Peripheral neuropathy
/p>∙ Suicide
∙ Testicular atrophy
∙ Increased estrogen levels
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome
∙ simple alcohol withdrawal syndrome
∙ snakes crawling on the sight of scorpions on the wall and underestimation of objects.
∙ Alcohol withdrawal delirium
∙ delirium tremens
∙ >
∙ Hypertension
∙ Cardiomyopathy
∙ Oral cavity cancers
∙ esophageal cancers
∙ p>
∙ Pancreatic cancers
∙ Birth defects
∙ Fetal alcohol syndrome
>∙ Accidents∙ Crimes
∙ Mistreatment of spouse
∙ >∙ Divorce leaving spouse
∙ Problems with law
Here, the effects of alcohol on the brain and nervous system will be specifically explained. Alcohol directly and indirectly damages the peripheral nervous system. As a result of vitamin B deficiency, peripheral neuropathies develop in the style of socks and gloves due to alcohol.
Wernicke encephalopathy occurs due to thiamine deficiency. Its symptoms are nystagmus ataxia and mental confusion. This situation can be prevented by administering thiamine.
Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome causes cognitive and memory disorders. causes. In one third of the patients, these symptoms improve with treatment. The patient cannot remember the past and completes the parts that he cannot remember by making up. It is called confabulation.
Dementia dementia develops in severe alcoholism as a result of vitamin deficiencies and the direct effects of alcohol. In chronic alcohol use, the cerebral ventricles enlarge, the brain recesses enlarge, and these effects improve with treatment. ∙ Withdrawal disorders
∙ Amnestic syndromes Wernicke Korsakof syndrome and alcohol-related dementia
∙ is 3 percent. This risk increases in case of separation.
∙ Marriage and family problems, violence against children and spouses, separation >∙ Fighting in bars
∙ Drunk driving
∙ >Treatment
There is a risk of death with unaided treatment. Not recommended.
Motivational interview before quitting alcohol
Treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome
Psychological treatment for not starting alcohol
These treatments are professional treatment and responsibility Details were not entered as required.
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