The last week of May is celebrated as World Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Day on Wednesdays. Efforts are made to inform and raise awareness about the disease. MS is a disease that affects the brain and spinal cord, that is, the central nervous system. There are publications indicating that its frequency is increasing in our country and around the world. Although the reasons are not fully known, as a result of incorrect coding, the immune system identifies any part of the nervous system as foreign and fights against it. It is estimated that the immune system is stimulated for many reasons. Among these, nutritional changes, intestinal flora disorder, vitamin D deficiency, various infections and chronic toxicity are blamed. As a result, MS disease presents different symptoms depending on the nerve attacked and destroyed by the immune system. MS disease, which manifests itself in attacks, can occur with different severity, frequency and symptoms in each person.
The story of each MS patient differs from the other. Generally, the disease occurs between the ages of 30-40. It is observed that intellectual and working women are more likely to get MS disease, which can be caused by genetic predisposition and viruses acquired in adulthood.
MS disease is most common; It causes symptoms such as vision problems, perception problems, numbness, loss of strength, abnormal muscle spasms, movement problems, balance difficulties, speech disorders, difficulty in swallowing, visual disorders, extreme fatigue, acute or chronic pain, problems in the bladder and intestines, and depression. For this reason, the disease is named by senior teachers as 'like a monkey'.
In order to diagnose MS, it is important to know the patient's history and neurological examination. MRI and analysis of cerebrospinal fluid also make important contributions to the diagnosis of MS disease. In addition, the disease can be diagnosed by applying electricity to the arms and legs, called stimulated responses, and checking the perception times in the relevant centers. Vision and hearing functions can also be tested using the same methods.
There is no complete treatment for the disease. Treatments to reduce MS attacks and their effects is implemented. High dose cortisone treatment is applied to reduce the duration and effect of attacks. Since cortisone is administered in a short time, it does not have many side effects on human health. In patients who have frequent attacks, immunomodulatory drug therapy is applied to reduce the number of attacks. In addition, it is important to manage the course of the disease, ensure nutrition and reduce toxic load.
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