If your child is spoiled, it's your fault

It is undoubtedly very difficult to deal with spoiled children. Experts say about this situation, which is one of the main problems experienced by families with children: "Spoiledness is entirely related to the attitudes of parents. "No child is born spoiled, but they are raised spoiled," he says and continues his words as follows:

“To explain spoiledness; He wants himself and his wishes to be at the forefront in every situation and under all circumstances, does not know how to postpone or wait for his wishes, has not learned that he should respect the wishes of others, tries to attract all the attention in the environment he is in, whines, is unhappy, is aggressive from time to time, has fits of anger and crying fits, The behavior of children who try to get what they say, who try to get their wishes done, who can be persistent and stubborn is called spoiled."

Children exhibit spoiled behavior for two main reasons:

• Because they want to get attention
• Because they get excessive attention

In both cases, there is a lack of consistent attention. Therefore, it should not be forgotten that the most decisive factor in raising children is family attitudes.

Attitudes of Spoiled Children and Things to Pay Attention to

• Children can get whatever they want at that moment. If they can, they can never learn to postpone and wait for their wishes.

• If a child believes that his parents have to serve only him, he does not care about anyone but himself. and if he sees that his wishes are fulfilled, he develops adaptation and behavioral disorders over time. This causes the child to be unwanted by his/her friends, especially during school.

• A child who is raised by his parents as if he is the only one who exists and his wishes are the most important thing, is indifferent to the feelings, pains and expectations of others and fails to understand and understand people. He cannot learn a sense of empathy. becomes an individual

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