Are Genital Warts Contagious?

In this article, I will tell you about "genital warts", which can cause problems between partners in many relationships and cause mental problems such as depressed mood and introversion.

What is Genital Wart?

Genital warts is a sexually transmitted infectious disease caused by the "human papilloma virus" called "HPV". It is very important because it is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the society.

With What Complaints Do Patients With Genital Warts Apply?

Genital warts in both men and women visible. The most common reason for our patients to apply to us is brown, black and sometimes white blisters located in the genital area of ​​​​female or male and sometimes around the anus. These bumps can sometimes be seen as indented and sometimes flat, similar to cauliflower or flesh mole. Sometimes it can cause itching, burning or tenderness in the genital area. It can cause complaints such as discharge in the genital area and difficulty urinating in both men and women. In some people, there are no symptoms, but the person can carry the HPV microbe and does not realize that he has the virus.

How Genital Warts Are Transmitted?

As genital warts are contagious, partners can easily be transmitted sexually. When genital warts are found in one of the couples, it is easily passed to the other partner. Sometimes, because it does not show any symptoms, the person does not know that he or she is carrying this virus and can transmit the microbe to his sexual partner. Sexual intercourse is not necessary for transmission. Genital warts can also be transmitted through direct skin contact with someone who has HPV on their skin.

What are the Risk Factors for Transmission of Genital Warts?

The risk of genital warts increases in the following situations:

Human Papilloma Virus SU (HPV)  Does it Cause Other Diseases Apart from Genital Warts?

There are hundreds of types of human papillomavirus (HPV). Some of these types can cause cervical, penile and rectal cancers, while others do not carry a cancer risk. This distinction in the virus can be made by a physician. In other words, our patients with warts on their genitals should apply to a specialist without hesitation; They should have regular treatment and follow-up. Considering various conditions such as the type, shape, location of the warts and the disease it causes, the patient should be under the treatment and follow-up of the specialist physicians. They are looking for a possible culprit. Apart from this, some patients have a "fear of cancer" thinking that cancer will develop from warts. These accusations and fears are unfounded and only cause unnecessary anxiety. My advice to you is to avoid polygamy, to use condoms and to be examined by a specialist physician in order to be protected from all sexually transmitted diseases, especially genital warts.

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