Marriage; It is a multifaceted life partnership established with reciprocity and voluntariness between a man and a woman who have reached marriage maturity. Marriage is a lifestyle and the way of living that is most suitable for human nature and health. Legitimate sexual satisfaction, legitimate reproduction and relations between men and women. It is done with the aim of establishing complementary cooperation. It requires flexibility, harmony, cooperation, sharing of responsibilities, love, respect and trust.
The success of marriage is possible with the joint effort of both parties. First of all, make sure that the marriage takes place after reaching marital maturity. It should be done. Because married life imposes responsibilities on both genders in line with their sexual identities and develops with the correct contribution of the parties. For this, reaching marriage maturity is an absolute necessity. It is also of indispensable importance in the formation of marital success.
In marital success. Another important factor is that some habits of singleness are abandoned with marriage and replaced with new habits suitable for married life. Because married life is a lifestyle that has binding aspects and in which people are not as independent as singleness. It requires being ourselves. Therefore, it is not suitable for exaggerating the self. Differently, marriage pushes people to live by taking care of their spouse and not seeing life as only themselves. Therefore, when marriage occurs, people should be aware that they are stepping into a lifestyle with different dynamics than being single.
The roof of married life is the relationship of trust between the couple. Because there is no trust. Love and respect cannot exist anywhere. The trust relationship between the couple depends on correct prioritization, honesty and consistency. By correct prioritization, we mean that spouses put each other before everyone else and make their spouses feel this value. Honesty is already important in every relationship and it is obvious that lying between spouses will damage the trust relationship. Consistency means character. It is important for spouses to trust each other.
Another requirement for the success of marriage is shared love and felt respect. Of course, every person expects love and respect from their spouse. It is inevitable for people to receive attention and love from their spouses in order to be nourished emotionally. Moreover, this transfer of attention and love must be reflected in life in a reciprocal cycle. Respect is an indicator of giving importance to the spouse and taking the spouse into consideration.
A good marriage. Another issue needed is communication success. Because spouses are the most important communication partners in each other's lives. Not being judgmental in communication between spouses and preferring open communication is important in establishing a positive communication cycle. More importantly, every person wants a spouse they can talk to. Pleasant conversation between spouses has positive effects on marriage. It is one of the things that contribute the most to the development of marriage. It is absolutely necessary not to turn communication into a judgmental and accusatory approach. Because then the communication between spouses will evolve to a point that constantly creates problems and tires the marriage.
Another issue that needs to be taken into consideration is the family of origin. Moreover, each of the spouses gets married by leaving the nuclear family in which they grew up. When the marriage takes place, the family affiliation changes. The previous family regresses to the status of the family of origin, and the newly established marriage becomes the new nuclear family of the couples. Relations with the families of origin should be balanced, without exaggeration, and with the awareness that family priorities have changed. Of course, mother, father and sibling are valuable, but they are not and should not be in front of the spouse.
On the other hand, another point that should not be neglected in the success of marriage is sexual harmony. The culture we live in has placed sexuality within marriage. This human need is a healthy part of marriage. It is very important for the success of marriage that it can be met in some way. A richness of attention, love, closeness and sharing nourishes healthy sexuality. In addition to all these, it is also necessary to have a sexual awareness to the extent of managing sexual life correctly. If the spouses try to keep their sexual life alive and observe the sexual temperature well, this will affect their marital relations. It will make very important contributions.
The points I tried to draw attention to above are decisive in the success of marriage. In our country, there is no education on marriage either in the family or in schools. The traditional marriage doctrine is far from meeting today's marriage expectations. For this reason, the points I am trying to draw attention to are the basic golden keys to success in today's married life. I am a psychologist who thinks that it is useful to get help not only for marriage problems but also for marriage awareness. A harmonious marriage is the greatest wealth in human life and the key to the door of peace.
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