Little-Known Conditions That Are Harmful to Your Heart

Almost everyone is more or less aware that poor diet and lack of exercise are harmful to heart health. So are these two the only enemies? Unfortunately no.

Dental problems

Need extra motivation to brush and floss every day? People with gum disease are more likely to have heart disease. The connection isn't clear, but some experts think the bacteria in your gums may enter your bloodstream. This triggers blood vessels and other heart problems. See your dentist every 6 months for checkups. If you feel redness or soreness in your gums or see changes in your teeth, make an appointment immediately.

Working at night

Working at night or at irregular hours may cause a heart attack, according to a recent study at Western University in Canada. increases your risk. Researchers say shift work has a bad effect on the body's rhythm (i.e. the "biological clock") and think it can harm the heart. So, if you're not working outside normal working hours, take extra steps to reduce your risk of heart disease: Exercise, eat a balanced diet, and see your doctor for regular checkups.

Traffic density

In Istanbul One of the biggest sources of stress for everyone living is traffic. Your risk of having a heart attack in traffic is higher due to both this stress load and the long periods of time spent. High noise levels—like the kind you hear on a highway—also increase your risk of heart disease. If you can't avoid traveling during rush hour, suppress stress by listening to relaxing music. Or share the ride and chat with your fellow passenger.

Early menopause

If you're a woman and you go through menopause before turning 46, you may be twice as likely to have a heart attack or stroke as those who have it later. . The decrease in estrogen, a hormone that has a protective effect against heart diseases, may play a role in this result. Ask your doctor to test you for heart disease risk factors (such as high cholesterol).


If your partner notices that you snore regularly or stop breathing while you sleep. If he says this, see your doctor. You may have a serious condition called apnea. It can happen when your airway becomes partially blocked and your breathing may pause. This condition is linked to high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, stroke and heart failure. Treatments can help you breathe easier and may also reduce the risk of heart disease.

Sleep disorder

When we routinely sleep less than 6 hours a day, you increase your risk of having high blood pressure and cholesterol. You're also more likely to become obese and have diabetes (both of which can harm your heart). This doesn't mean we have to sleep all day long. Sleeping more than 9 hours regularly increases your chances of developing diabetes and having a stroke. Turn your brain, body and heart into a baby; Get 7-9 hours of sleep a night.

Unhappy marriage

Finding the right person makes your heart happy and healthy. According to a recent study from Michigan State University, older adults who are satisfied with their relationships have a lower risk of heart disease than those who are not. The possible reason? Stress. When you are stressed; You're more likely to make poor dietary choices and do other things that can harm your body, like drinking too much alcohol. What's more, stress hormones can have a negative effect on the heart. If your marriage is not happy, see a couple's therapist.


Spending time with loved ones prevents stress and helps you stay active. There are dozens of studies showing that lonely people have a higher risk of heart disease. If you're not close to family or don't have close friends, connect by helping someone in need or adopting a dog or cat.

Watching too much TV

Those who spend too much time in front of the television are more likely to develop heart problems. are more likely to survive than those who limit their TV time. Every hour you spend watching TV on a daily basis can increase your risk by almost 20%. Sitting is the most likely culprit; It may also be linked to problems such as high blood pressure. Cut back on seeing him for more years of seeing things other than what's on TV.

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