Keith Hawton, one of the pioneers of sex therapies, emphasizes that fifty percent of sexual problems arise from general marital problems (communication problems, resentment, cheating, etc.), and fifty percent of marital problems arise from sexual problems. Many studies show that more marriages end or go bad due to sexual problems than thought. Therefore, it seems quite difficult to solve a sexual problem without the cooperation or support of the partner. Or the consequences of leaving sexual problems alone often end in divorce.
Resentment, repressed anger, loss of trust, not being taken seriously (“you only want it in bed” approach), punishment, overprotection, addiction (mother-child, father- relationship with a girl), postpartum, dislike of birth control methods, and excessive politeness may initiate sexual problems or cause existing problems to continue. Within the institution of marriage, especially if there is a dominant spouse in every aspect, sabotaging sexuality for the other spouse may be the only victory gained.
Sexual reluctance is considered the disorder that most interacts with marital problems for both men and women. Imagine, you are very angry with your spouse and you want to please him in bed?
The most common disorders in men are; It is premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction and is directly affected by the relationship with the spouse, especially a spouse who criticizes sexuality, causing the problem to grow. It is a common behavior for a couple, who has a power struggle during the day, to use sexual problems as leverage. In summary, there is often a parallelism between the general course of marriage and the course of sexuality.
The number of marriages that begin with vaginismus is quite high in our country. And some writers call this situation an incomplete marriage; In other words, the foundations of marriage are built on a sexual problem and it is unthinkable that the marriage will not be affected by this situation.
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