Agoraphobia and Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Agoraphobia, defined as a subtype of panic disorder in DSM-IV, has been moved to a separate diagnostic category with DSM-V. Agoraphobia is basically the fear that one will show signs of panic or anxiety because they cannot escape or seek help when they are out of their comfort zone. People often do not go out of their homes that they choose as a comfort zone, they may show extreme anxiety when they have to be in public transport, shopping malls or their vehicles necessary for long journeys, or they may prefer to run away to avoid being there; when they have to, they may need to accompany them with them.

It is seen that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and psychotrap drugs are the most effective methods in the treatment of agoraphobia. In this article, we will look at the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy arm of treatment with you.

 The cornerstones of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) are thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. CBT is the construction of the relationship between these three cornerstones. It can be described as focusing on the thoughts and feelings that underlie our behavior and focusing on uncovering and treating these cognitive errors. Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, on the other hand, is one of the sub-branches of CBT that expands the application area of ​​CBT, which enables CBT applications to be offered to clients online, thanks to websites specially designed for CBT applications to be made over the internet. Unlike other CBT approaches, for Internet-Based CBT, technological devices required for online interviews, online materials to be used in treatment, and CBT techniques websites specially designed for the client to work on are used.

 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Agoraphobia. When we look at it from the perspective of the therapy process, we may encounter exposure. Exposure studies in Internet-Based CBT programs can be done with virtual reality. For virtual reality, websites that are completely under the control of the therapist, specially selected and designed for the client, can be used to make the client feel as if they are in the chosen environment. Exposure level In these sites where the therapist is in the hands of the therapist, it starts with a low amount of exposure and if the therapist wants to get out of this environment where the therapist is with the client, it should be assured that this virtual reality, which is under the control of the therapist, will end. Then, in accordance with the exposure protocols, the anxiety level of the client is studied by being kept in the environment gradually, by increasing the reality level of the environment. In the continuation of the treatment process of the client, appropriate ways are selected with the therapist.

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