4 Golden Rules for Daily Peer-to-Peer Communication

4 Golden Rules in Daily Communication Between Spouses

Remember that you are an individual before becoming a “spouse”.

First of all; rather than being two halves of an apple; I wonder if each of us can make a whole apple? We need to ask this. Without healthy individuals, it is almost impossible to have healthy relationships.

 Make sure your partner is breathing and you are breathing at the same time.

Everyone, even “partners”, have boundaries or their own private time from time to time. It may need slices. Allocate certain hours of the day just for yourself and play a supportive role in helping your partner find time for himself, too. Personal activities both eliminate the limiting effect of joint activities and help you communicate with new events to tell each other.

Stop guessing what is on your partner's mind.

Human beings still have the ability and technology to "read minds". does not have. However, in daily life, we sometimes try to guess what is going through the minds of the people around us without them telling us. This can sometimes go as far as questioning the other person, judging them, and at the most extreme, blaming them. This will be a very painful process for both parties. If we aim for "open communication" instead of this insistence on "reading minds", it will be healthier for both parties.

 Flirt with your spouse during the day.

"Oh, where are the romantic surprises of those old days?" " Ask yourself this question a few seconds before saying: "What was I doing for the person I loved before, what am I doing now?" If you are not satisfied with the answer you gave to this, it means that there are areas where you need to take responsibility. You can keep your excitement and interest in each other high by making use of both communicative and physical contact frequently throughout the day.

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