We all experience some problems in our lives and we try to overcome these problems. However, sometimes it can be difficult to solve some problems. We can say that we tend to think negatively, especially in depressive and anxious periods. So how does this happen? In this article, we will discuss the negative automatic thoughts and cognitive distortions, which are revealed by the CBT theory and which are the biggest obstacles to solving our problems.
Automatic thoughts occur unconsciously in the events we experience. Our fixed beliefs, which become active as a result of various events, trigger automatic thoughts. Then, our automatic thoughts, which are due to cognitive distortions, emerge. If we explain with an example; Imagine that you got a low score from a trial exam you took for the KPSS exam you were prepared for. As a result of this event, your basic belief of "I fail" will be active. In line with this belief, your automatic thoughts will emerge depending on cognitive distortions, such as I will not be able to win KPSS, and I did not want what I wanted in LYS anyway. Now let's look in detail at what types of cognitive distortions there are.
Cognitive Distortions
1- All or nothing thinking
In this mindset, life is lived in two extremes like black and white. Shades of gray are not included. For example; “I can't be a happy person if he doesn't love me”. If I can't be a really good psychologist, I shouldn't start this business at all.” Thoughts in the form of all-or-nothing thoughts are included.
2- Catastrophizing
The future is looked at with the expectation of a disaster. Even if this bad outcome is very unlikely, it goes unnoticed. If troubles or problems are not resolved, the end of the world will be approached. For example; “If I break up with my girlfriend, it will be the end of me.”, “I can't do it if I quit this job.”, Everything will be messed up if I can't complete the presentation.” Thoughts in the form fall under these thoughts.
3- Don't ignore the positive
It is not considered important that good things have happened. Success is attributed to luck or other reasons. ir. For example; "Exams are good because the teacher asks easily.", It's a sign of their kindness when people say they love me."
4- Emotional Reasoning
There is truth in the comments about the event. is to reason under the emotional state. “Our relationship is so bad because I feel bad.”, Things are going well, but I am not feeling well.” Thoughts in the form of thoughts can be given as an example of the effect of mood on reasoning made about events.
5- Tagging
Relating to one's self or others is to make evaluations that reach a general conclusion. Evaluations such as "He paid me his debt late, he is very stingy." >Enlarge-Reduce
Negative information is focused more on the events experienced and while it is magnified, positive information is minimized and ignored. For example; my best friend has been meeting with others for 3 days and doesn't call me, he doesn't want me anymore. In the form of thought, a negative situation experienced in the last 3 days is magnified, and the positive memories that he may have lived with his best friend for years are ignored.
7- Selective Abstraction
The focus is on a single negative aspect of the information about the situation, and all other factors are ignored. For example, your manager treats you harshly at your workplace. In this case, it is selective abstraction that you think that he is angry with you and that you have failed. How your manager treats other employees is beyond attention.
8- Mind reading
Reading what goes through the minds of the people in front of us and confirming that it is true is to believe and shape our behavior accordingly. For example, “I pissed off my boss, he thinks I'm a simple person, I need to do my best to fix it.” To think in a way is to read the mind of the other person and act accordingly.
The tendency to draw a negative conclusion based on a single experience. The person who overgeneralizes often easily uses words like never, always, nobody. For example, we are overgeneralizing if we believe that punctuation errors made when we do an assignment are a terrible mistake that will cause us to get zeroes from the homework. Or, if we think that I will screw up everything I get my hands on, I can't do anything right, we are obviously overgeneralizing.
10- Personalization
Living without considering alternative explanations The fact that we take the situation on ourselves means that we are personalizing. In the example of the manager who acted harshly before, believing that if the manager sets a new rule for us, it shows that we are personalizing the situation.
11- Must-Haves
It is the belief that life has certain rules and that these rules can cause disasters if they are not followed. For example; “I have to do very well, if I can't, it means I'm a failure.” Ideas containing this and similar goods cause anger against those works after a while. If our behavior falls below the should-do standards, it causes us to experience shame and guilt.
As seen above, there are thought patterns that affect our coping mechanism and occur outside of our consciousness. Trying to be aware of these thought patterns will play an important role in solving the problems experienced. However, it should not be forgotten that capturing these thoughts is a very difficult process and can take a long time.
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