Fungal Diseases
Like bacteria, fungi are microorganisms. Fungi, especially the types we call dermatophytes, love tissues such as the upper layer of the skin, called keratin
, hair and nails, and cause diseases in these areas.
Moisture must also be present for the fungus to settle. The main reason for the occurrence of fungal diseases is always contamination from another fungal tissue. This may be caused by nature or by another
person. Especially in the summer months, it becomes very easy for fungal diseases to be transmitted by neglecting the necessary precautions. The incidence of fungal infections is higher, especially in people with weakened immune systems, those who use antibiotics, and young children.
Fungal diseases are usually seen in the toes and groin. Even though the types of fungi may vary
, there is no significant change in the treatment.
Tinea pedis (Foot Fungus);
It is a fungal disease that usually affects the toes. Whitening, skin peeling and itching are general
symptoms. In more advanced cases, infection may occur. Foot fungus may be caused by a yeast fungus called dermatophytes or candida
. If the patient is questioned carefully, it can be seen that other members of the family have similar complaints. It can generally occur when people wear the same slippers, socks and shoes from person to person, in places such as baths
or pools, or when wearing boots for a long time during military service.
Tinea corporis;
It can occur on any part of the body. It is the name of the fungal disease that occurs in the field. The fungus begins in an area of the body with complaints of redness, flaking and itching, and spreads to the surrounding area in the form of a ring. The groin and hands are most commonly affected. It is most commonly seen in the groin in men and under the chest, which creates a moist area in women. The yeast
fungus, which we call candida, is often the causative agent under the breasts in women and in the diaper area in children.
The first step in the treatment of fungal diseases is to eliminate the necessary causes for fungal formation. Drying the area thoroughly and using powder to remove moisture may be effective
. Additionally, personalized products such as shoes, slippers, towels, underwear and nail clippers are available. Cleanliness
is very important. In addition, these products must belong to the individual and must never be in common use. Cleanliness of the patient's family or roommates is very important in the treatment of fungal disease. They should also be included in the treatment when necessary.
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