There are many therapy approaches used when working with families and couples. One of them, the Emotion-Focused Therapy approach, is expressed as follows.
The aim is to enable spouses who blame each other for the problems they experience to instead identify and clarify the negative cycle that prevents communication between them. Thus, by creating a partnership between couples, the aim is to save them from mutual accusations by seeing the problem they are experiencing as a duel.
The emotion-focused therapy approach identifies the fears that underlie the behavior of each partner and prevent a secure attachment between them and works with these fears.
The fears here are the reflection of abandonment or rejection in behavior. may be against withdrawing or becoming defensive. The therapist aims to change these behaviors by revealing the reasons for these behaviors with the couples. While doing this, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of communication between couples. It is important how you carry out the process with your partner when revealing negative cycles.
Which type of communication you and your partner use frequently is important in order to establish deep communication under common conditions.
5 Communication Level:
Level 1 Reporting/Explaining:
Communication at this level consists of explaining daily routines. He shares with his partner what happened to him during the day, but this is not communication. The other person can easily get bored of this situation.
2nd Level Reacting:
These individuals only describe their reactions to events. They do not focus on what the event makes them think and feel.
3rd Level Openness and Self-Reflection:
Couples share their dreams, wishes, thoughts, feelings and ideas about each other. They express it clearly. This includes being frank with each other and expressing themselves.
4. Level Relationship Talking:
Being able to look at relationships one step behind. Evaluate their relationships by staying away from judgment and accusatory language, and without defending themselves. Being able to do it.
Level 5. Talking about the Relationship and the Past:
The patterns experienced in the relationship today did not appear suddenly. Reflecting on and articulating previous interactions as to how these patterns emerged. It is important to know that many communication patterns originate from early life.
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