Helping the Child with Studying and Doing Homework

My Child Doesn't Study, What Should I Do?

Do not tell him that he needs to study all the time.

One of the most common complaints heard from parents is that their children do not study. When we look at the truth of the matter, the biggest share in this situation belongs to the mothers and fathers. As long as you tell your children to study, they do not feel the need to take responsibility. Then; There are many students out there who do not understand the concept of responsibility.

Do Not Pressure Students to Study

Constantly pressuring students to study will be counterproductive. Therefore, never say "Study". During the meal, you can ask how their day was, what subjects they studied at school, and whether their teacher gave homework. These conversations are important to remind them of the homework given at school and to show that you are following them. It is also necessary for teachers and parents to be in contact, so that you can learn about their school success and whether they are doing their homework.

When Helping with Homework

Wait Until You Ask for Help.

If your child or If your teachers don't ask for your help, it probably means you don't need it. If you sense a problem, contact the school for advice. Remember that schoolwork falls within the domain of the child, who wants to see himself as responsible and in control.


Be Accessible and Supportive When He Asks for Help.


>Your attitude towards the importance of Homework also shapes your child's attitude. If the TV program is more important to you than his need to study the multiplication tables, don't be surprised if he agrees.

Helping the child with homework should be aimed at guiding the child, not at doing his homework. Otherwise, you will prevent your child from gaining study habits and developing a sense of responsibility. Answering his questions, listening to him read his homework out loud, or teaching him how to organize his materials to prepare for the exam are all great examples of how you can help him.

Also, having said that, children need all the help they can get. Keep in mind that they do not need any help. Sometimes they start chasing an easy way because they are confused about what to do. If you rush to help with the slightest provocation, you will accustom your child to being dependent.


Make a Homework Schedule for Each Day of the Week.


>It is your child's responsibility to do his/her homework. One way to teach him to bear this responsibility and acquire the right study habits is to set a "Daily Homework Time" for him. Daily homework time means allocating a certain time of the day to do homework by planning in advance. All other activities must stop during this hour. Your child should go to the special study corner allocated to him and study.

Sit down with your child and talk about how much time he should spend on homework every day.


Implement "Compulsory Homework Time".

If your child does his homework sloppy and in a hurry or forgets to bring his homework home, apply "Compulsory Homework Time". This means that regardless of whether your child brings homework home, the entire scheduled time is spent on academic activities such as homework and reading.


Do Not Display Negative Attitudes That Will Affect Your Child's Approach to Homework.

Your overly interested or uninterested, oppressive and comparative attitudes towards your child's homework may cause your child to dislike homework and worry about not being able to do it. Therefore, it is important to have attitudes that support and guide your child in his homework. The best way to help your child with homework is to let him/her know that we are around him, but not at his desk.


Praise Your Child.

Consistently recognize your child's efforts at homework; Praise him for some special achievements as well. Positive comments have a greater impact on changing your child's behavior than critical ones. Remember that homework is aimed at learning, not attaining perfection.

The biggest reward for the child is when the parents smile at the child and praise his efforts. Therefore, do not tie homework to a financial reward.

The child who is constantly questioned about whether he does his homework says, "Even if I don't remember, my parents will." The thought occurs and he does not do homework without you telling him or reminding him. If it becomes a habit for the child to always have the parent with the child while doing his homework, the child will not do his homework without them.

The expectation of perfection, such as parents making strict corrections while checking the homework, constantly criticizing and frequently intervening, causes the child to waste time by lingering on the homework more than necessary so that he can do it diligently.

If the parents constantly warn the child about doing homework without resting as soon as he comes home, the child will become bored with doing homework.


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