1. Accepting one's physical appearance and using one's body effectively:With a series of biological changes in adolescence, the individual changes in height and height in adulthood. regains weight, physical and sexual characteristics. However, some people are not pleased with these features. While some girls or boys complain about being short, some may not find themselves beautiful or handsome. During this period, everyone asks themselves "Am I normal?" he asks. The developmental task here is to learn to accept their physical characteristics and be satisfied with them.
2.To achieve the gender role as a woman or a man: In recent years There have been many changes regarding fulfilling the requirements of the social roles of men and women. Some develop their social roles within the traditional framework, some defend equality and overlapping behaviors, and some maintain their place among the extremes. For this reason, parents, teachers and adolescents are confused.
3. Establishing new and mature relationships with peers of both genders. :The same-sex peer friendship in early adolescence should be replaced by more mature male-female relationships. In a mixed group, the adolescent has to learn what to say and how to say it without laughing, blushing, or sweating, and how to participate in various social activities specific to adults. Culture mostly determines how social relations will be.
4.Parents and other abilities. Becoming emotionally independent from grudges:This task can also be expressed as separation and individuation. Normal adolescent development requires learning to be psychologically independent from parents, establishing relationships outside the home and family, and searching for one's own identity. Adolescents become individuals by separating themselves while continuing to participate as a member of the family. Maturation and separation cannot be measured by how far they have become in their relationships with their families. Being an autonomous individual and establishing a relationship independent of the parent are not mutually exclusive. These are behaviors that complement each other and It is part of normal family development that occurs during adolescence.
5.Choosing and preparing for a career and achieving economic freedom >To be able to work:An adolescent must have a profession in order to achieve economic freedom and to be able to stand on his/her own feet. In many cases, the adolescent years focus on formal schooling, the identification of talents and interests, giving the young person a sense of what he wants, what he can do, and what he will do for his adult life. It provides time to decide.The paths determined to achieve economic freedom differ depending on the socio-economic level. Although many people make such choices in their late adolescence or early adulthood, school life during adolescence and parents' lifestyles have an impact on the adolescent's future orientation. The results of many studies have concluded that adolescents' future expectations are shaped in line with cultural gender roles and past experiences in that culture.
6.Marriage and family life Preparing for the memorial: This developmental task is contingent on progress being made in tasks three, four and five. The majority of adolescents are waiting to get married and have children. However, while some adolescents look forward to this process with pleasure, others feel anger or fear. The individual's attitude, success or failure in this field is affected by culture, socio-economic level and family experiences.
7.Socially responsible behavior Wanting to perform and achieving this:With very few exceptions, people live their lives not in isolation, but within a community, region, country . As an adult, the adolescent must learn to participate responsibly in political, religious, and social activities, pay taxes, and vote. 8.To acquire an ideology and a set of tools to guide behavior Establishing the values and moral system:The practice of parents, peers, school, and religion on an individual from infancy to adolescence. effects aim to establish a setofstandards for legislation. These values participate in the individual's self and reflect both societyand individuality. For this reason, adolescents feel the need to determine a political opinion or a social stance. When the individual performs this task, he/she has a method for determining his/her place in the world and his/her relationships with other people.
The child's social relationships with other people What their relationships will be like depends on what they learned in the first years of their lives. In this regard, the social behavior of parents and other adults is very important. Both theoretical knowledge and research reveal common knowledge that the family environment has a great impact on the adolescent's successful completion of important developmental tasks such as identity development.
In adolescence Factors that cause emotional problems and stress vary from society to society and culture to culture. Because the developmental tasks of the adolescent are largely determined by the social environment and each society's approach to the young person during adolescence is different. The way in which developmental tasks are completed will influence how well prepared the individual is to deal with the new developmental tasks that will be presented to him/her during young adulthood.
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