Pain is one of the most common reasons for consulting a physician. Pain is not only a medical symptom, but also an experience that disrupts and sometimes turns the quality of life upside down by affecting a person's social and daily life. Therefore, it is undoubtedly unquestionable that treating pain is an ethical obligation. Sudden pain, which acts as an alarm, informs us of the damage, that is, the disease, contributes to the healing process by forcing us to seek medical help, and even protects us from possible dangers through our experiences. On the other hand, chronic pain, that is, long-term persistent pain, whether or not it is an organic lesion, reduces the quality of life by causing physical and emotional dysfunction, and impairs function by preventing work ability. Chronic pain, which has no function in the organism, prevents the person from living a normal life, and its treatment challenges the physician. Especially unorganized treatment efforts increase hospital use and bring socio-economic burden.
In the pain clinic;
- All pain due to cancer
- Pain due to calcification in the cervical vertebrae
- One-sided pain felt in our facial area, called trigeminal neuralgia
- Atypical facial pain
- Pains due to cervical hernias spreading to the neck and arm
- From the wrist to the palm, called carpal tunnel syndrome in the wrist radiating pain and numbness
- Pain due to calcification in the shoulder
- Pain due to herniated disc and calcification in the waist
- Pain that has occurred with shingles but has not gone away
- Diabetes Pain due to wounds on the developing feet
- Nerve damage (neuropathic pain) due to diabetes
- Ischemic pain in the hands and feet due to vascular disease
- Abdominal pain of unknown cause
- Prosthesis recommended; We provide services for the treatment of pain in the front of the knee for patients who cannot undergo knee surgery due to age and waiting in line.
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